Good day. I woke up at 6:30 AM to the weird ass dream but it was a fun dream it was 1995 and I was Mark Krull of today with Barack Obama of 1995
Right before I got arrested for that I saw articles about me being a troublemaker and another article
he didn’t lead things. When I was arrested I taken on this little scooter thing by policeman
and I was taken to the place and resemble the train station last thing was
that some lawyer came by that assigned to me. The latest this is at Ukraine is held Kiev and Putin‘s
putting his nuclear forces on rattler. It’s really scary. It’s gonna be a sunny day today. I
finally got back to go home and pick up a couple things including a print out and a cat scratcher.
Also switch jackets as requested. It’s now 308 I just parked in
to the Ardmore House. We eventually got going to drop off the
last things for Danny the cat. Winner for cans of Ginger beer dropped on the
floor and Cine geyser of ginger beer to the ceiling. It was unbelievable
that kind of slow us down. We decided we go to Narbeth playground.
You have to put Narberth park on Google to get the right place otherwise
you go to the Sabine playground which is right off Macgomery Avenue.
We walked around and we saw this and $1.5 million house which
was beautiful. We got to take some nice pictures and on the way we saw a
advertised for a studio apartment in Ardmore and it’s 990 a month
need three months upfront and there’s six other people applying for it
we’re going to visit there at 10:30 on Tuesday morning. It’s now 6:14 PM
we just got back from Norbit the woman says that she’s going to have
everybody go through the application process so no be interesting.
The European Union has finally gotten serious about
sanctions and is implementing some draconian ways to Starveout the Russian economy. The Ukrainians are still defending Kiev and there’s
in that there
might be talks involved at some point. I don’t think Putin wants that really. Putin‘s also putting his nuclear capabilities on red alert. The sun is set and I’m finishing up my super coffee and watching a cat video and updating this blog posting.