efore we hit July and the Fourth of July weekend. I woke up early for the 7:15 AM
eeting. They already had the hybrid set up. They obviously had a monitor in the basement of 19th and Walnut. It looked kind
before the meeting I went to online in Florida but I hadn’t seen locally. Everyone was wearing a mask and it looked a little weird but I guess that’ll be the
since the end of the week is obviously coming up being Friday is
omorrow. Anyhow I never saw Wes he didn’t call me back. Anyhow, I decided
o buy some fruit for my shake as long as as well as the greens. The screwup
f my bank shorted me $119 which puts me on thin ice till Friday, July 2
hen I next get paid. It was an enjoyable trip I actually went to Knockbox Café to have
ome more caffeine it was it was a nice walk to the café after I gor my fruit
t 40th St. Oh anyhow I went over the size of shorts from the crotch to
here the belt goes because Lynn was going to be buying me shorts.
I then I got back home and talk to a friend for a little while. It was pretty deep
support which came in around 3 o’clock. I worked on that from
hat’s nearby. I didn’t know it was going to do about it just decided to do t in the last minute. News outside my bubble, a Florida condo collapsed. At least 2/3 of it just suddenly collapsed. They’re saying only three people died but there’s 99 missing. I think now the number just went up to 150 or some crazy number like that. That is crazy shit and I saw a video of it which was something out of them horror movie or plan demolition. I bet some conspiracy theorist are going to come out and say it was some kind of plot.
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