Saturday, January 09, 2021

Saturday, January 9: Ridley Creek State Park

Good Saturday to one at all. First off I woke up fairly early I had energy bar and some good coffee to get me past that. I also had to turn down a last-minute dog walking 
 gig that came up at 10:30 PM last night. We decided to get going so we could walk go to Ridley Creek State Park which is 45 minutes away 
by car. They close the park at sunset. They’re very precise about that. A park pick up truck goes cruising around to make sure  people 
were going home. We then took a different way back to Ardmore and it was pretty cool because I could still see stuff. The sun has 
not set yet. Well we got to see a lot of pretty scenery and that was cool. We hung out and watched birds on her TV set. That’s for Herman the cat to entertain himself. It’s a nice big screen TV.
Anyhow a little bit more support for the impeachment of Trump is slow Lee building. The house is going to vote on it next Wednesday I believe.Between now and the 20th of this month it’s gonna be pretty tense

 out in the good old USA. There are reports it right wing extremist are going to go to all 50 capitals and make a big scene at the inauguration. As it is the inauguration’s gonna be scaled out anyway due to COVID-19. Speaking of COVID-19,  It is still raging and we’re in the middle of January. Only healthcare workers and seniors are getting the shots now.

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