Thursday, December 03, 2020

Thursday, December 3: A Warning and Getting it Done

Today was the day of the “conference“. It was about my time in attendance and other matters. That was a bit rough but the rest of the day
got much better where I just plugged away at work and finally got started on this extended hold list report that I hadn’t thought of going in a while. Actually it’s a new version 

 f the old list. I talked on the phone and watch the world go by in this COVID-19 world we’re living in. The  virus is completely spread in the worst it’s been since the spring. There’s gonna be no overall shut downs because people know they can wear masks etc.

 etc. Lynne just gave me a link to how much Google ads cost  Of course it’s not a simple ABA and see answer. It all depends on trends etc.

Pat told me this gas line got a hole in it. He just showed it to me now as of 6:05 PM and it looks like some kind of squirrel or something nibbled on it. He was able to cope get his car back today. I have the car today and I got a feed the meter in about 10 minutes then I’m eventually going to just drive it over to the parking lot I think

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