Well, I didn’t go to bed nearly on time in well I got up at 8:45 looked at my phone and saw that there was a complete dumpster fire going on about the email I sent earlier
the day. I was told to mediately recall the message. The only
problem is I sent it in at 7:45 this morning. I also found out that I could just download my own outlook and not have outlook on the cloud. Outlook on the
cloud does not have the ability to recall messages so, I downloaded the Outlook. It took a little while ut I did recall the message. That was
it of a stunning way to start the week. That’s for sure. Hi plotting along and got some work done but not a whole lot. ey Ben took the
partial. I told them I wanted to pick up the partial at the lab to save days. I’ll be toothless
for a week. Anyhow
t was a nice day out and it was interesting walking to Center City. I used to do this all the time a year ago but things
completely changed as one might guess
with COVID-19. Things are gonna get much better with it when the regular flu and the Covid come in and people
start staying inside due to the cooler weather.
Well I got the Ardmore smoothly and then after we hung
ut for a bit we went out and walked around the neighborhood. We went to South Ardmore which
is a cool little spot. We found a really nice mechanic who’s been in his location
for 47 years. The one dude graduated from lower Merion in 1962. I told him I graduate in 1981. It was a fun
exchange. I think came home ate some leftovers and getting ready to go to bed
eal soon. It was a tiring day but I got through it. Hopefully tomorrow be a
ittle less spastic. I do have a couple reverse referrals to doing to turn in that one report or two reports. Trump is so irresponsible. He leaves the
to wave to his fans when he was still really contagious, e still not taking the virus seriously because that
ill hurt his election chances. He’ll always be Trump NO matter what!!
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