Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Tuesday May 12: Working and 2 Appointments

Hi I got up. I ended up getting caught up in Twitter stuff. I didn’t have to reboot the computer because everything was operating slowly. I also
 had two appointments online to take care of. I wasn’t really prepared for the first one too well because I ended up having to call tech-support. I couldn’t
get on the employee self service site and then the 

 olution was worse than the problem . I couldn’t sign on it all then they wanted to 

 ransfer to a higher level supervisor. I had to hang up the phone. I got pretty 

 rustrated. I ended up erasing the cache On my laptop and then I had to re-sign n for all the things that
 were previously saved. There’s a bit of a cluster fuck. I ended up working a half hour late just to do a little

 catch-up and I’m gonna have to start a little early to catch up to the lack of production. By the end of the day I   
was a tired old puppy. I did get some mango and wrote for cheese which  actually goes pretty well together I must say. I think

 came home and we had one of my frozen Indian meals and crashed like Spirit Airlines. It’s COVID-19 world is really getting tiresome Yep getting how old is the mold in my socks. Of course Trump and his minions are acting like a complete jack offs and saying that mission has been accomplished and we are the highest testing country in the world. They are such crazy cocks it’s unbelievable

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