Thursday, April 09, 2020

Thursday, April 9: Back to Regular Work Hours!! COVID-19 hits SEPTA

Well I want to the sunrise this morning and then one of the topics for safety which was very apropos considering where we are right now. I  finished that meeting heated up my coffee and

 remembered I have to walk all the way to 69th St. Kasten LM since it’s not stopping in Melbourne for the time being due to the 

oronavirus/COVID-19. Once I got to the terminal you could not come in without a mask or face covering. I had to quickly pull out   a T-shirt to get in the train 

 tation to catch the L. At three SEPTA cops out there just protecting the one entrance. They’re getting more strict as some conservatives are already talking about not taking it seriously and wanting to let peo 
ple congregate in churches etc. because God will keep you from getting sick or something like that. I got to work and I’m doing some scanning. My supervisor is busy doing teleconferencing

 all day so I’m being left alone so far. It’s now 12:15 PM I got up to wash my hands and do that and I’m goin to take lunch in 15 minutes. I literally came out of the men’s room when I was told that

 the staggered shifting is ending and I have to report to work Monday. They’re going back to five days a week what is wrong with these people they couldn’t even extend it to the end of April? OK I want to find out from the union what the fuck they did. Well I did a little bit of scanning and then I did the first stuff my predecessors duties and did the COVID-19 report. I’m not sure how fancy they want it but I did a bunch of copying pasting and sending through before I left. I have an MA work Support report to do. They’re not sending it to the district Patricia 219 Main. I guess my five day shift I’ll get it done but that’s a lot of

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