Monday, February 24, 2020

Monday, February 24: Sunny Day to Begin the End of February 2020

Good morning all this is Mark reporting from his world most of the time.I got up about a minute

 before the alarm went off. I had some very strange dreams. Of course I forgot them but whatever. I got to work barely on time so I didn’t 

get to get my coffee. My supervisor was out today her boss came over and told us. I figured that was a good

 opportunity go do some errands and get my coffee. I went to Starbucks, Rite Aid, and Ross. I got 

a  couple drinks at the Rite Aid along with diaries tea. I had to get some change of clothing since I forgot to 
be ing my change of clothes when I got up this morning. I did get other stuff done but take 

 he trash out and refill the trash bag. There’s a lawsuit between the Phillies and the
 creators of the Phillie Phanatic going 

on right now. Back in August the Phillies sued the creators of the Phillie Phanatic to prevent them from getting more money. The artists want to renegotiate the 35 year agreement. Which is   their right in copyright law. The Phillies decided to 

 hange the look of the fanatics slightly by adding it tail and making his ass bigger. It’s so

 petty of the Phillies to just change the Phillie Fanatic  to try to prevent paying out money  This is the same team 

 hat failed to pay 3900 for the copyright back in 1980 and ended

 up paying $300,000 later on. So I don’t   trust what the Phillies are doing is sincere. It’s refreshing

 to  bitch about something beside Trump. Anyhow I got back

 from my errands and my back to work and completed the. I see here that two 

 ounts. He wasn’t convicted of the more serious counts. I heard it Could put him in prison for up to 25 years.  I guess I’ll get that sentence because he’s been walking

 around in a walker making himself look like Bill Cosby did. It’s the

 way to garner some sympathy. I don’t think that’s gonna work because Weinstein is a complete remorseless predator. I hope 

 veryone who happens to read this is having a sunny Monday so far it is now 2:05 PM. It just so happens that Dorothy magazine has an interview with that Randall. He’s now 76 and showing

 your effects of all the Parkinson’s. He still has a lot to say and it reminded me of his book “A Nation  of Wusses .” This book came out in 2012 before the 2016 election. It’s a good read I read a 
couple chapters so far. I got the book yesterday from the bookstore near Larry‘s house. I enjoyed sitting at the park and reading it yesterday. Well it’s  4:31 PM  @  around 4 o’clock I just 
started feeling tired in my group is giving me warning of possibly getting a cold. I’m tired and my throat starts doing a little sore funny that’s a harbinger not a hamburger but a harbinger

 of a possible cold. Well the very end of the day, I found out that I had three family work 

 pplications that I didn’t complete yet. I quickly got them completed because I want to show that I got the all the work done that was given Friday when the computers are down. I then met somebody who is she working at the CVS in Fairmount. She’s going to a Sixers game..

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