orning. Lord knows I better not be late with the rent. Anyhow we talked for a little
it and I think got ready for work and brought my long yoga laundry
from the dryer and put some of it in my backpack to get ready go to work. Well, when I got in the mouse on my computer was not
keep myself on that computer which was a drag. Well the mouse started
orking just before I left lunch so I was good. They’re going to have people come over
tomorrow and take a look at it. I’ve noticed where this job you’ll have moments of quiet like to test to do it one time. It was much
different in Elmwood district. It was always activity and always something
oing on. Anyhow I left work I went straight to the 5:30 PM class at
the hot yoga studio. The room was pretty hot and but there was air so it
as A-OK with me. So it I like the class and the teacher was very good
ecause she kept the air flowing and I told her as much I’ve seen her in class
nd she substitute teaches because she just got her certification
after taking the certification classes this past summer. I hope I get to see her again
in class anyway I came home and child down dinner look at YouTube
ideos and talk to a friend for a moment and then I scurried off the bed and scurry of the right word but
sounded good. Meanwhile in the political world outside my protective sheet, the
histleblower Incident with the Ukraine has taken a life of its own. But as we know
Trump has gotten away with a lot of bullshit and he’s the kind of person
that you give me an answer he’s going to keep taking more and more until somebody signs up
tend to be the 98 pound weakling and the Republicans tend to be the bully that’s very obvious to anyone who has two years and two eyes to see