because I was exhausted. It was really hard to get up. I then eventually made it down to 20th St. where the funeral was. It was a nice service
axbys and shot the shit a little bit. It was cool. He then decided to go to his son tanning place. I may
oute 70 or 73. I went to it once in high school. Wes remember the time he went in high
chool. New Jersey used to be real lenient about serving alcohol back in the day. It’s
ow 1215 it’s really gotten sunny and it really warmed up quite nicely. The only
roblem is that I wore a long sleeve shirt and a jacket. I had to take them off because it’s pretty warm in the sun. I
scaped out of the heat to Saxbys because I had to answer the call
f mother nature very quickly. Just going to mellow out here for a bit. I will drink water and
offee. So I didn’t hear from Wes so I decided to walk and catch the 7 bus up to Fairmount.
ell on the way to Fairmount I found out it wasn’t appropriate for me to go to the pub with
the Remshard‘s. He’s going to be meeting Emily and Pam at an art opening on
outh Street and then go to an African place at 56th St. in West Philly. Maybe I’ll join them
maybe I won’t. I probably won’t cause it’s highbrow time. Anyhow
it’s now 2:34 PM I just went to Luigi‘s pizza Fresca And head to Delicias slices.
There are a lot of teenagers they’re in a big table so it’s kind allowed
. They’re also playing the really bad pop music for white people. Well
upposedly that festival call Coachella is there featuring arena grande and Childish
Gambino. Oh boy! I must be missing out. Actually I’m gonna catch the 32 bus back to the
ollar for a visit Sharon and we hung out. She showed me around
he house and she updated me on what’s going on. We snacked at the Bishop‘s collar. I really
njoyed myself. It was really good to see her. Well I left Sharon‘s and ended up
itting at the bus stop for 45 minutes because the bus was delayed. On Google
aps that the bus schedule kept changing moment by moment. Who
s always about 6 minutes away for about 40 minutes. I met this nice woman
s also waiting for the train as well. So we killed time just talking. Plus eventually did
how up. I need up staying way too late and I just slept in was going to sleep in. For tomorrow Sunday.
eanwhile president jack ass Trump put out a video busting on freshman Congresswoman
Omar and implying that she minimized 9/11 and showed the footage of 911. He such
a dirt bag he is the worst. I even got a haircut done as well which was nice. It was nice to get reacquainted.
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