Saturday morning, July 28 the Friends of Millville and volunteers met at an empty lot and alley on 3rd Street. The picture on the left is the lot after over 3 hours of hot and hard work. Among the volunteers that gave of their time as well as a lot of sweat and a little blood in some instances were Mark Krull, Rich and Frannie DeAlmeida, Rose Taylor, Liz Nicklus, Linda Forbes, Don Cossaboon,Tamara Isajiw, Judy Kessler, Leslie Smith, Dottie Wilkerson, April, Tim Shannon and Carl B. Johnson.
Carl Johnson and Tim Shannon, hauled four pick-up truck loads of branches to the city landfill.
We filled all 42 trash bags with litter and leaves and brush, and had to get more trash bags to complete the job.
We found syringes, crack vials, 12 abandoned tires, carpet from someone's renovation, traces of campfires in the brush, pieces of burnt fence and litter of every description.
I can not believe I watched this just now. I saw this in 1978 with my brothers, a friend Ronald and some dudes named Wilcoxen. This movie was promoted in a big way. Remember the Bee Gees and Peter Frampton were BIG stars. Its the 70's in its dreck glory. George Burns was Mr Kite..nuf said
Crum-Shaw Galleries' Art Stock 2007, Art & Craft Sale
July 14th & 15th, 2007
Rather then TRY to describe this fun event all by myself, I will let Don and Kathy's invite do it.
Art Crafts Jewelry Produce Massage Therapy Music Poetry Refreshments 50/50 Door Prize Face Painting
Please come & bring your friends
On display & for sale:
Kathy Crum- Original oil, acrylic, & mixed media paintings, prints, greeting cards, bird houses, & furniture. Commission me to paint from your, sunrise, bike, etc....
The Friends of Millville and the Cumberland County Master Gardeners got up this morning July 11th 2007 to help beautify the Glasstown Plaza in the Millville’s Arts District. The Flower Farm donated flowers that we used to enhance about a dozen planters with colorful arrangements. Renee Pagliughi directed and the city helped use the water supply. We had volunteers such as Linda and Ned Forbes, Rich DeAlmeida, and Carl Johnson take time out to make this possible.
2007 Millville Gardenscape contest winners were decided. We found out though the BEN Collumn in the Millville News that Carolyne won best Victorian Garden. She will be recognized at the City Commission meeting NEXT Tuesday July 17th 7pm. Here is the front of our house. See you then.
My brother Mike held a party for his daughter Anna. It was in Towson MD and it was a nice relaxing time. Click on a pic to enlarge. See the movie at the bottom!!!
Summerfest was a blast this year. Perfect weather, beer, chili and friends to see. I think you have read all about it so I will just show you some pictures and a movie I shot. Click on a picture for a closeup.
Woke up late for the 1st time in a LONG time. We went to the Whole Foods in Marlton via the scenic route via Hammonton and Rt 73 and Winslow Twp. Boy that store is colorful and nice. We then chilled out with friends and now await the thunderstorms. Here is our dog June getting ready for her 1st walk of the day today. She is so excited and CUTE
Well I was running late to my job at the welfare office and stopped by Sam's before walking a dog. I met some old West Philly friends Jeff Strong, John Jenson and Gina. It was a beautiful day for a real live flashback to the late 80's. I had my cell phone camera ready for that moment. Gina is moving to California, John is living in NY state and Jeff is still in Philly. After doing my job I hit the eye doctor for my 2 year check up. I seem to be about 3 years away from bi-focals (gettin old eh) but I just kept my old frames since none of the frames did anything for me. Still it was over $200. I now have to send in for my reimbursement to the insurance company. I then drove my customary 50 miles back home to Millville and join others in Dottie's walk which is EVERY Monday nite at the Culver Center 2nd and Sassafras Sts. We picked up trash greeted neighbors and saw some trashy properties. Here is a sample. The broken fence with trash is at 101 N 5th Street. I will look up the landlord for this and put it on the Friends of Millville website real soon with the name and address of this slumlord. A video of our walk is here Tonight is the Millville City Commission meeting which should feature the MF's in action. Remember Even a Blind Squirrel gets a nut ever now and then!!
Hello Took time off from blogging since I have been really tired. Last Monday Alice and her kids made a stop to Millville and we toured High Street. We went to the Looking Glass which reminded Alice of California and then went to the RRCA. Here is a Video to enjoy. Have a great week and dig this cool July weather!!