Friday, February 28, 2025

Friday, February 28: Big Breakfast/Lunch. Yoga

Lo and behold, I woke up today! I then got myself a little bowl of cereal really early in the morning because I was hungry and Lo and behold, I woke up today! I then got myself a 

little bowl of cereal really early in the morning cause I was hungry and I got up got dressed and went to Mike’s. Then I went to the breakfast
stand and ordered a sandwich 

as much as I liked the other sandwich the sandwich I had this morning was definitely subpar. It bad too much cheese.🧀 I got back to Mike’s ate the thing and well you know what can I say? I 

settled my stomach clean the bathroom a little bit before Mary comes here at noon. So Mike’s taking a shower and Mary will be  here
soon. Mary got to Mike’s and we first 

tried to put around with his stupid non-functioning printer for a while. We tried rebooting it checking if it was 
plugged in etc. etc. Nothing really seemed to work, but it is wireless and 

it is connecting with Mike’s computer. it doesn’t connect with his phone now. Keep saying that it’s the
scanners dysfunctional and then you try to push print it says print 
printing for ever and ever then you have to turn it off. After that Thing we then went to Pats Pizza and got ourselves a small pizza for all 3️⃣ of us that was a good pepperoni pizza that’s for sure. It was quite enjoyable. 

Then we talked politics for way too long but it was fine. Mike got to talk and Mary was very nice. I then walked Mary Close to her house and then I was turning around to be back in time at 3 o’clock to see Tony come in 

with Mike. As I was walking with Mary, we ran into Lydia leaving her place 

and going for an errand. It was very pleasant. It’s now 2:55 PM. Tony wrote that he’s been held up by the previous

 client so he may not be at Mike till 330 or later. The felon & Vance met with Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine and just gave him hell and shit for their entire meeting. They’re so disrespectful and 

they seem to decide with Russia, which is absolutely crazy and asinine. 

It’s very depressing. Thank God, the weather’s cool but not too bad. well, I ended up Tony did shop 

around 3:35 PM. I also saw Rob as he was leaving the premises. I’m getting ready to sign up for the 4 o’clock class right now. well, I went to Me at 4 o’clock class and it was pretty intense. She urge people to not get ahead of the instructor and she said if you’re not concentrating, you’re really not doing yoga you’re basically exercising only. Anyhow, the studio wasn’t super hot, but I definitely gotta work out. Afterwards, we’ll hang out a little bit at the studio and then head on back to her place hung out and ordered some of our Indian food and watched pulp fiction, which was bizarre to put it put it basically I watched it before but had forgotten what it happened. We also talked about that movie. American beauty and Mary looked at the plot and it is really bizarre. Intense it start Kevin Spacey when he wasall that in a bag of chips. Nothing like doing weird sexual activities are ruin your career. Anyway, tomorrow is March 1. 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Thursday, February 27: Grey. Tired, Yoga, Mtg

Well, this morning I got up and well I was pretty tired and but I did remember to bring the Slavic 401(k) form. I love the name of the place so I went to 

Staples after I went to Mike’s and then went to CVS and got couple things original weather forecast that it wasn’t gonna rain till 1 PM but it rained a lot earlier like at 10:30 AM. I didn’t get wet per se, but it was kind of miserable 

outside. Today was not a good day to take a walk with Mike. We did set up a CPAP machine, which was a good accomplishment didn’t take a lot of work once we got to it, which was good. I thought about maybe skipping 

class today cause I was pretty tired, but I took a nice little power nap paddle little slug of super coffee and that kind of helped me out for sure.Anyhow, I am what I am and this is today. Well, of 

course when I was about to leave the mom’s Meals showed up so I had to quickly get that done. In the meantime, I sprayed a little bit of the powdered milk that they sent to them. So I am really

 gonna have to run to the class since I left Mike at 3:42 PM which makes me get my full eight hours
 at someone good thing. Well, I managed to get here at 3:53 PM time to 
go to class. it was pretty good. It was pretty hot class that Rob taught today.Afterwards, I took a nice very nice shower, which felt really really good. So it’s now

 almost 6 o’clock time to head back before I have to go to CODA at 8 o’clock. we decided to order Indian food before I go to CODA so I can go out and fetch

 it and not be having Mary walk in the dark and stuff. well, as I was walking to pick up my food, the

 Slavic 401(k) people sent me an email to look at a message. Can’t read the 

message because I need a secret password then I tried the password wrong three times so can’t read the message so they got something

 so I will keep an eye on these people anyway it’s 7:03 PM and I also got some iced tea and I’m going 

to eat a little bit before going to CODA for a change. Well, we ordered food. I ate the entire 

thing and watched Stephen Colbert with Mary and then I caught the 17 and the 33. And did some walking in between and I’ll only be about a minute or two late to the meeting. meeting on time and it was a good meeting. Tonight was the business
 meeting and I decided that I would stay for the business meeting. Then I decided I would do a lift wait to save money so I thought it’d be at least 10 more minutes, but then 

the guy came in one minute and I had to leave in the middle of the business meeting. I really didn’t want to do, but I also didn’t wanna blow off my ride so I got back around 9:52 PM