Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Poway Ca: This Past Weekend.

$500 Guiter at Carvin
My past week in California was fun to listen to messages I took messages ate food beer too. I was relieved to be 3000 miles away from an October snowstorm that hit Philly but gave only rain to Millville.
I'm hoping to go possibly on the road trip this month to Arizona. THAT would be exciting!   My brother John  will be in Long Beach for a conference around the 10th,  so Alice and I plan  to hang out with him and celebrate both birthday's that weekend. Ought to be fun!!
I plan  get back to Philly by Thanksgiving depending on how things progress.
Street Name in Poway Ca
Alice's kids Mimi and Hannah have been very nice to me and I picked them up from school couple times last week. We looked at cars  last weekend. The one I liked;was a $3,000 Mercedes that had these flashy rims. Boy that would be a hoot to drive that! I checked out a guitar store called Carvin. Boy they had some like looking one's The cheapest one was $500!  I had never heard on them but they are right here in San Diego.   Halloween was very nice and quiet just the way I want a needed today and tomorrow is November 1 and getting the car and taken out and continuing paperwork stuff.
Grandpa Enjoying a Good Read
Heard from a friend in Millville  who give me some updates on the goings on. and another friend is going to be staying in Florida from  the 18th till probably March of next year so I have to miss seeing her and her husband.  I hope to be able to visit them this winter if I can pull it off. 
Love the Rims Baby!!
I plan to go to the pool and house is a member around him this is supposed to be actually be a little bit of rain on Friday. San Diego chargers lost in overtime cause the quarterback fumbled the ball and KC recovered the fumble and kicked a game-winning field goal.  The real football news is that the Eagles whipped some Dallas butt on Sunday night. Mo Pagano is coming out with a book in a few week. Its called ”Everyone has a Book” . Its too bad I am going to Miss 3rd Friday cause the book should be out by then.
I am now going to go to get my sister's care fixed. It s little dent and will cost $65 for the bumber (Plastic) to get fixed.
Gmail Not sure hoa it worked!
I have heard from friends at work. Its nice to know folks are thinking of me!