Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday, July 14: HOT 🥵 AF! Visiting Mom and Yoga

This morning I got up and found out that no I was not going to 

get a ride up with Wes since he’s working with his mankind group this morning. So I got up early around nine I guess and headed up to catch the 10 o’clock bus 

towards Riddle village. I have to get up earlier because I have to make sure I see my 

mom and hang out and walk before her lunch starts. Lunch starts there at 11:30 AM. This 

morning it is hot as hell out here. I missed my stop and ended up looking
 at a 20 minute walk but fortunately,  I caught a bus on the way back. I hit
 the Wawa and visited mom and hung out for a bit and took a 

walk and sat on the bench. She was in good shape today. She asked me questions 

and was alert. Anyway, it’s now 1137. I’m gonna , I’m hoping to 

catch this 111 bus. I caught the 111 bus and it went straight to 69th St. station. 

 Nobody got off until we got to 69th St. I couldn’t wait to get home and 

get in the AC! Once I got home, I ate lunch took a couple quick naps and did

 a load of laundry. Just doing that stuff took till 3 o’clock. I walked out and it became mostly cloudy 

and threatened thunderstorm. It’s not 3:15 PM. I just got on the EL. I’m going

 to have to carry both bags but I couldn’t get the Mary soon enough

 to drop off the big bag and make a c  on time and shit.💩 The media  is still hyperventilating over the assassination attempt. Trump was only slightlyInjured. He’s not injured very badly. Your Republican convention starts this week. This ought to be a hell of a week. anyhow, I made it to the 4 o’clock house one time which was

 fascinating and good. Once I got the class, it was so damn humid in that

 room. I think it was the most humid day in the studio. We’ve had this year. I don’t

 think it was the hottest, but it was the most humid. That other Sunday 

class was really super hot two or three weeks ago. After class, we had a half hour 

to cool off between that and the yin/ Reiki class. That half hour was definitely

 needed. I drink a lot of water took a nice shower and then went up to the fourth floor 

with a class was and aunt Matt lined up for us which was really 

nice. I got a towel and I use that to take a shower and also put on my mat. After class a few

 of us hung out and shot the shit and, it was nice. Kaitlyn’s 

going over to Romania for some kind of electronic EMD concert. It’s what the young people do these days. Anyway, she’s gone for a week and then Mary and I went back and we had delicious veggie burgers and frozen iced tea Rosenbach iced tea is the best iced tea I ever had. 

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