Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Wednesday, July 31: Hot 🥵 and Agitated

Greetings to you my fellow chieftains on the last day of July 2024. I 

come to you feeling agitated and it just started being boiling hot around 2 o’clock at 1:45 in the afternoon. Anyway, I got up this morning OK and then headed 

down to MikeI did a little bit of cleanup and a lady delivered batteries from Mike’s machines. he had his online therapy appointment so I went to the 

good karma Café on South Broad Street. To hang out and have coffee and that was pretty good. I had lunch in the next thing you know 1:30 PM rolled around

 and I had to get ready to go to my session. My friend Betsy called and said she was at Broad and Lombard and I said come on down and visit. That 

was fine because I could say hi to her and I could leave with Mike and Mike would have company while 
I’m in my session. the session I had was very good 

now you know why I need to go to the sessions every week. I was able to vent out some of my agitationthat I was feeling about certain topics and it felt good to feel

 validated and get it out. So it was helpful I was bitching about paying $600 a month earlier in the week. Nothing like being hungry or hungry tired. Aka HALT. I 

learned that in the program, of course it’s good thing to remember. When I got back from my session, I saw three cars about to get towed. This guy got a permit so his girlfriend

 could move into her apartment and the permit was good till four and the guy told me it took him three hours to show up after he called the parking authority and the police. But three people

 just got their cars towed. Betsy left and I hung out for a little bit and drank a little bit more before heading to Mary. Now 4:01 PM. Course we can’t go a week without some ignorant comment by Trump when it comes to Kamala 

Harris,being black or not Jesus fucking Christ what an asshole. Well, I walked over to Mary‘s place and go hang out and talked 

for a little while and then it was time to head to our 5:30 PM class with Dan. 

It wasn’t packed, but there was enough people there that’s for sure. 

It was very hot in the beginning, but then it propped open the door and that 

made a big difference inbeing able to do 
the class because he got very humid today. After dance class, I quickly showered, drank more water and went to 7 PM in class with Rob. Was

well attended. After class, several of us advocated for them having another yin class Sunday after the 4 PM class. I think it’s a real possibility as others have said something, and Rob‘s getting decent reviews on his teaching. After that went back to Mary’s and we played some groovy, progressive rock, and we looked up bands  that were progressive rock, and it was interesting band like were listed on there they were pushing it. 

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