Friday, July 12, 2024

Friday, July 12: Late Humid Drizzly 🥵Day

I got up this morning and had trouble getting moving. I 

went to catch train and realized I forgot one of my teeth so I had to go back and get that and still waited another
10 to 15 minutes

 for the train to shop. It was about a 20 minute delay. They also didn’t get their fund from Harrisburg so You know SEPTA to be able to run their trains during

 the rush-hour. Anyway, got to Mike’s around 9:16 AM Mary mom fracture or pelvis. I think we’re getting the hurricane remnants from Hurricane Beryl because right

 now it’s spitting rain and we haven’t had rain in such a long time. It’s now 10:28 AM. I kind of sat on my butt because I just couldn’t get the energy up. I’m gonna 

try to get his Fitbit watch fixed. OK, I got the Fitbit fixed. He put it on his hand. & am was reading instructions. I’m not gonna do the bathtub. Seahorse confirmed 

that final. Don’t use the hotel. I’m just out $360. Fuck those people. well, I talked to my brother and thankfully he said I could stay at the condo another day so we’re gonna 

go to the Seahorse. I called him and told them we’re coming. Even though I wasn’t sure I was coming when I talk to them. I clean Mike’s bathtub and eat some 

delicious lunch and now I’m gonna go to CVS and get a thermometer 

for him because he talked to a nurse and the nurse says you need thermometer. that’s the way to be. Anyway

, it’s not 1 o’clock time to get going. Anyhow, I got back and I read that AT&T had a huge data breach and I still haven’t received any notification from AT&T at all about the whole data breach thing, I don’t know if I ever will cause 
they’re just gonna cover their ass. They don’t really give a fuck really. I was called a MAGA by some stranger on Facebook on the comment section. That was kind of bizarre. Mike has called a few times about his CPAP machine and he hast to go to the doctor and back. I had a feeling it was going to be bureaucratic as fuck next we need to call about the bed

 & the bad electricity in this building. Well, it’s 351 and I’m just at 
Walnut Street. I got off to a late start because I started talking with Mike and doing 

last minute sweeping I have a 4 o’clock class right now. extremely oh my God. There 

wasn’t that many people in the class, but it was a good class. Marie taught the class. after

 class, it took two quick showers and met up with Mary and we talked with Evan for 

a little while. Hot Yoga is actually hiring people for administrative stuff. Make the front desk and 

clean up. I’ve been thinking about doing it my schedules full as it is 

these days and they probably want somebody who
 can work all kinds of hours. 
We then went to the produce store and got some things for our veggie burgers

 and then we did laundry and that was fun as shit man God, she makes everything fun. Anyway, looks pretty cloudy and it’s humid as heck crap and that’s it ha ha it is. 

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