Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday, March 31: End of a Weird Month

I rolled out of bed early to attend a virtual meeting again this morning. I’ve really grown to like them. I like it because I get to see people I haven’t seen in a while and also I can just roll out of bed and just make myself look 

 ecent and make my coffee at home. One of the topics was accepting love from others. I really enjoyed listening to others express their experiences with that. Meanwhile I did a lot of looking 

 round on Twitter. The cases in United States are going exponentially up word with the Coronavirus/Covid 19. Today’s my first
 day off out of it today off on my staggered shift at work. It’s   1:20 PM I only have an hour and a half left here but I just read the news. US coronavirus death toll tops 3,000 with more now dead than in 9/11 Now this is fuckedup this just came in the news now. The peak of the virus will 
 be going  up in the next 10 to 20 days or so but nobody really knows but it will be in April for most. Some places like Florida or Mississippi might peek in May because they’re not getting it as quickly. There’s an article I saw about how  advertising will have to change during this time with the COVID-19. Interesting article. Anyhow I’m gonna organize my pictures and get ready

Monday, March 30, 2020

(Monday, March 30: 2nd Week of Staggered Shifts

Hello everyone. I woke up this morning and made a virtual meeting this morning. Pretty cool. I like the after meeting the best when the 
 facilitator puts up that program called Snapchat camera and makes funny faces he also made a background that look like the church I was pretty cool. I made nine coffee I’ve come up with a new 

 essage thanks to my friend. It’s very easy I just drop the coffee to the cup and outcomes for coffee.. Today was the opposite of Friday I barely had any 

 ork.  So, I did the welfare Wacca and did a bit little bit of blogging Friday Saturday and Sundays posts. I read
 articles such as the one in the Atlantic magazine that the Coronavirus responses are partisan!   Republicans are not really worried about it and blue states getting hit hard.  Trump has to politicize everything.πŸ™„πŸ™„ I  decided to  

go straight home but I stayed a little late to clean my coffee mug and to clean my plate as I had Manhattan clam chowder for lunch. I know when I come back to workon Thursday I will definitely be doing that report so I didn’t easy day today at work. I’m pretty tired though

 but I’m gonna have,  Kebab  dinner with Pat which will be nice. Well we watched watched an  informational video about the 1919 influenza pandemic. It was very informative that used cartoons to illustrate what 

 appened. There’s a lot of mistakes and war war one to really speed up the transmission of that virus. That particular one was got awful with people
 turning black and blue and deformed and

 stuff. As it is the doctors can’t get their much-needed medical supplies and certain states like Florida with their stupid governor DeSantis have not put strict social distancing guidelines and now Florida Looks like it could be Ground Zero after New York City. This is definitely strange Time to be alive that’s for sure. Commercials are even starting to change due to the outbreak. Course of people in large gatherings look really weird. I haven’t seen them but I read an article in the Inquirer  about that.

Sunday, March 29: Days of COVID-19. A Day in Ardmore!

Well I got up for a another online meeting and it was pretty good. It was the third step today. After that I took one of my patented napsand looked at Facebook and commenting
 on Twitter a whole bunch. My friend and pick me up and drove me to Ardmore and to the Rite Aid to pick up provisions. I then hung out with my friend. I had frozen Indian
food for lunch and we talked a whole bunch. I delved into stuff I haven’t delved into very much. I feel pretty good. While I was doing that, 
 Trump changed his mind about reopening United States by Easter and extended  the voluntary social distancing guidelines

 to April 30. He did that because he was told  that  with  no social
distancing, almost 2,000,000 Americans would die. He’s hoping that 100,000 die instead. Then he’ll call himself a success.  That’s our commander-in-chief for you. It’s all about how he looks and what he’s done
He is NOW tied with Biden in the polls. Can you imagine if a Democrat effed up this bad they be calling for his impeachment and not waiting  for the social distancing. I also looked up 

 mashburger‘s information which explains a lot to me. I saw some great Memes on Twitter that 
just had to share right now. I got home ate a little bit of food looked on Twitter and Facebook. Facebook is loaded with union members going off about how the states treating us like crap. They’re pretty much right!!
during his goofy news confrence friends last night.  He kept bragging about his ratings and ripped into the media. He just couldn’t help himself what a loser. People are dying and he’s all worried about his ratings that’s why put up some of these Memes just showing up serene evil that’s part of Trump is

Saturday, March 28: COVID-19 Rages On

Well it’s Saturday and the first thing I did was go to a virtual meeting and I’m getting used to dozing. It’s nice thing

about it is that I can rollout of bed and make the meeting but I’m taking 35 minutes to get there.  The 

meeting was cool the moderator told us about a program called Snapchat camera where 
you can make your face look funny while you’re online. I’m guessing it only works on computers and not with cell phones. I have to  
ask Pat for the Wi-Fi password again because my one computer won’t except what he gave me. A friend of mine gave me her Netflix password and this time it was very funny. I tried creating  screenshots of them but the picture purposely doesn’t come out. I guess due to copyright reasons but the caption shows up with a black background which is bizarre so I copied some quotes that look really strange with no

 contacts but it was funny. I did it online yoga class at 5:30 PM. I didn’t realize that my background made me look like a slob because  when you share online with other people they can see behind your head. I didn’t 

really think about that. Guess I’m not gonna win any girlfriends or friends doing that stuff. After that, Pat and I went to Home Depot 
& I bought myself a yoga mat for my place finally. I also got a bunch of anti-Roche stuff like the roach motel.  I also participate in it on your own yoga class at The Bridge yoga which is located in Normas. I went there twice in person. after that class which was interesting, I watched a movie with Pat it was some weird French flick from 1983 that had no dialogue  except for“bonjour”twice🀨🧐 It was very bizarre and really hard to follow

 but you have to remember the year in 1983 when
 you know hipster euro films were big. Pat was into that and team members going to video library got a 40th St. back with videos with a way to watch movies. I’ve been 
watched a video about the area in Norenberg where they had the rallies they still have remnants of the area where Hitler has huge rallies. Most of the area is a parkits gbut there’s some huge cement areas that still are present in Norenberg Germany party.