Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday, July 25: Mike, Errands, Yoga,, CODA

This morning, I woke up at the Dorchester and got the Mike’s kind of late because I just couldn’t

 get myself moving this morning, but I got the Mike’s and did a little bit of housekeeping when I got in and did a couple other little things. Watch 

some TikTok And I went home to get my clean yoga clothes take a shower and return back to Mike. I got his prescriptions at the alternative
pharmacy at 17th and South Street. It’s been an overall quiet day in the neighborhood which is good. So far The momentum in the Harris campaign has continued. They’re doing all the racist bullshit that they 

always go with her as a DEI hire, etc. etc.  Can’t believe we’re a week away from August as of today. A week from today is August 1, 2024. We were going to go to Amy’s Pilates class on what was it Saturday

 but I don’t know that’s going to happen. Anyhow, it’s now 3:47 PM. I do plan to attend the 4 PM Hot Yoga class as customary. I’m approaching Walnut Street. I did

 take a nap at about and that did help. I did all of a sudden get really tired. I’m thinking on the EL had something to do with that. Anyhow, I went to my 4 o’clock class with a very good class. 

Rob was teaching it and I was a little bit different spot, but it was fine. I was 

thirsty as hell when I got out of that class. Oh my God. Next Mary and I walk to her play walk to his shoe store 

Benjamin level and looked at possible shoes out by but I wasn’t really 

in the mood for shopping or spending $140 on shoes today. Anyway, some 

of the shoes were nice. Nothing was on sale in the men’s 

section. With them back to her place and just relax and took a nap and that nap was great.

 I needed it so bad it was quite fascinating. I then caught the 

17 and then the 49 bus and now I’m getting a tuna grinder which I haven’t had in years , 

so I’m gonna be a little late to the meeting why me a meeting and attend was fairly light. Couple people were at the convention which I wanted to go to, but it was just too much. One of the guys got Covid which kind of reminded me of people getting Covid at the concerts in Minneapolis. Anyhow, there was a business meeting afterwards, and I am going to be sharing on Thursdays for the month of August. I got home on the train hereLIFT, which was almost 7 dollars cheaper than Uber for the same ride 

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