Monday, July 29, 2024

Monday, July 29: Awake, Clean Up and Yoga

Well, today is Monday. I slept pretty well the night before I was 

feeling kind of dehydrated and dusty, but I did sleep very very well which I really needed. I guess all that activity and sleep deaf. It’s caught up 

to me I suppose. I got up. Got to Mike’s and oh my God there was so much garbage Needed to be picked up by the city. It’s unbelievable that because the 

street was closed for two or three days last week. Anyway, I settled and did a little bit of cleaning and then Mike’s physical therapist showed up. Tony’s very nice and he’s going to be going to Bali so this is the last day

 he was coming for a little while. Supposedly a substitute is going to come in the meantime. Mike went through a battery of exercises. After he left, I was going out to CVS to 
get him some food items when I saw the garbage out front and I just couldn’t stand looking at it. There was an empty trashcan sitting out so I decided to pick up the garbage and it filled up the entire 

trashcan. Took me about 20 minutes. I’ve videotaped it just for evidence

 purposes After garbage was picked up. I tried to private. They would take

 the trash and they wouldn’t so I just put it back down in the basement for 

next weeks garbage removal then had lunch talked on the phone about Mary’s

 mother‘s memorial service and funeral and making arrangements 

such as rental car and place to stay overnight. Now I’m getting ready for my yoga 

class, which will be starting at four. I have to leave here in about 5️⃣ minutes 

or so. I was busy , catching up on blogging from yesterday because I didn’t really do any 

because I was just zoning out. It’s a pretty nice day out and August

 is around the corner thank God. Well, we have to Byron’s class and it wasn’t too 

crowded and I felt pretty good up there in the front row. I forgot

 my thermos so I went into the class just with a 20 ounce Gatorade, hoping that it wouldn’t be ridiculously

 hot like it has been off and on all summer. Fortunately wasn’t my balance

 was a little bit better. I was next to one of the teachers. After class, bought a large

 water and proceeded to drink that whole thing by the time I got to Mary’s. at Mary’s, she was watching the Olympics and started off  with swimming and then men’s gymnastics with  
 the USA was doing pretty well. After a little bit of that we saw the Phillies were losing 5 to 2 to the Yankees in the fifth inning. We could return that off and decided tonight instead of Detective show to watch Law & Order CI. That was pretty 
outrageous. the criminal mastermind was a guy with severe Asperger’s who ran this insurance scheme and he was totally like a Rain man character of Aspergers. That was interesting. We enjoyed it. Then I called the 21 in good time which helped me get home pretty quickly. By the way Pat is one vacation real vacation. We worry doesn’t have to go to any of hisfour jobs this week. 

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