Monday, July 01, 2024

Monday, July 1: King Trump Sez Supreme Court

Hello happy July 1 I got up had breakfast and headed on down to 

Mike’s. I was a little bit late. Today is a lot more manageable when it comes to the heat humidity. This is for all those who love the imperial 

presidency. Yup, the Supreme Court decided first thing in the morning or around 10:30 AM Eastern time to give the present for all acts done while he’s president. 

Yes there’s a little bit of a bone that they said that the president can be prosecuted for “unofficial act.“the takeover is slowly rolling along. The only way they can 

be stopped. People don’t panic over Biden debate performance and we get the Democrats to control the Senate in the house. Other than that we 
are fucked. Anyhow, it’s around 3:12 PM. Mike had throat swallowing specialist in today about his swallowing problems. She went over the whole 

gambit of his stuff. I then went to TD Bank to get my TD credit card replaced since it was looking pretty long on the tooth. I also got the Rental Car for July 15 

and found that I have coverage on my savior card. It’s the only card of the three that I have that I have any kind of rental coverage.  I didn’t really select

 the best credit cards. I must say maybe I wasn’t in a position at the time. Anyway, I’m going to go back to Mike’s and then go to yoga at 4 PM. well, I 
went to the 4 PM class and Mary wasn’t able to make it. Mary did 

meet me at the studio cause she considered doing Pilates but I really wasn’t game 
for all that. Anyhow went back to her place and hung out for a bit, I brought samosas for dinner and that was good. went to my MONDAY Night Beginners meeting, which is pretty good well
attended. It went back to Mary’s and I ate my samosas and watched two episodes of law and order CI. My phone had trouble charging which was weird, but it did charge eventually. I called 21 just nick of time. 

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