Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wednesday, July 10: Heat! 🥵 Massage, Yoga Yin

This morning I woke up and I just didn’t want to get up but I did and I do realize today was Wednesday so I can go to work late and check
 out late because

 I am going to yoga till 5:30 PM. I got to Mike’s and we talked and did a little Bit taken trash downstairs. I started
 to load the

 laundry. He had his appointment with David.  I went to the elixir coffee. I have not been to a 
coffee shop in ages . It was interesting

 because I used to go to coffee shops all the time so all the sort of amount of young folks there and it was enjoyable and  the coffee tasted decent. I 

had a massage with a guy that recommended highly hi Mary. He was pretty damn chill and got Wright to the appointment and you know he is pretty thorough. He pushed hard but not too 

hard as to put me in a great amount of pain so we recommend after he was done. It was 45 minutes I walked out in the blazing heat and a crowded walnut Street. It’s 

now 114. I’m gonna go back to Mike’s and then go to my second appointment.  The stupid mainstream media

and hauling about Biden’s age is really just getting old right now. It’s entering it’s 2nd week now. One of my favorite people 

on the Internet Jeff Tiedrich wrote a good article telling people this stop the bullshit and fight the fascist I agree with them completely so I sent it to a couple of friends to kind

of cheer them up from the Uber depressing news that we had for the last 2 weeks! Anyhow, it’s now 1:49 PM. I just had myself a quick lunch and got Mike’s laundry from the dryer and now I’m 

heading to my therapist appointment. Oh the sun is extra cooking now the clouds have broken up and now we’re just blazing sun. I went to my therapist and had my Pepsi while I 

was there and we touched on the usual topics. After that, I went over to pick up scripts for Mike at his pharmacist the alternative community pharmacist 

not CVS. Then around 330 to power went out and that was funky. It’s now I’m

4:13 PM and as of 4:06 PM the power was still out in Mike’s place, I’m heading over to Mary and Yoga. It’s hot but today we have a breeze so it’s a little less 

suffocating. Yeah, I’m dressed up. It’s 20 5 PM and it’s a wind tunnel here. Also looked at the weather and this weekend gonna be a lot of rain due to that hurricane came to the Caribbean. It looks

 like the bad weather will clear in time for a trip to Long Beach Island at least I hope so. We also have to find another date for the Seahorse Motel. 

Anyhow, went to dance class, which was the 75 minute and that was a very good 

class. I enjoyed it. There was plenty of air circulating so they made it lot more bearable in this heat. Also, my 

balancing poses were a little better today. My hamstring was still a little 

bit of a bother, but not too much. The yin class was good with Linda. 

It’s very relaxing and I like taking a shower after that
because I’ve had a chance to stop sweating and mellow out. It’s 8:18 PM and I’m just chilling out and drinking lots of water 
because I got really thirsty during the end class. Afterwards, we ordered Indian and picked it up. Next week, watch law and order CI, which is really entertaining as usual. It was a nice time 

to relax. And then decided to catch the trolley in the L because 21 bus was going to be taking too long I looked at I caught the L Justice was showing up. 

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