Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday, July 13: Trump Assassination Attempt

Well, I slept in at the Dorchester and then we had breakfast 

and mellow out. We got were going to go to Wynwood, but there’s just not enough time and the train schedule. Don’t coin coincide very well. Just found out that Dr Ruth died today at the age of 96. She 

is a well-known sex therapist. He is very accessible to many many people. It’s 12:16 PM we had the breakfast and we gonna go out and do errands. We got 

our Yoga stuff together for 4 o’clock class and that’s the way it goes ha ha ha ha. We went to the sketch club to try to pick up any 

paintings that I might’ve had but the guy wasn’t in yet because they’re open for pick up at 1 o’clock. Then we went to a place called Paulie Gee's Soul City Slice Shop. We 

got a slice each and it was one of the best slices I ever had. I think it was because I was just famished from walking out in the sun. Mary agrees with me so there. We 

went out and saw Mike and that was nice to see Mike then went to the framing shop to get a couple things  set up for framing. Well, after 
all the shopping, the prices do go up very quickly, but they’re going to be 

really nice looking photographs. I eventually I have to start rearranging my 

photographs on my wall when I ever find the time or create my own time. It’s

 now 3:31 PM we just relaxing at the Dorchester for a moment before

 before we go to our 4 o’clock yoga class with Mia. I went to class and it was a good class very intense. I had a time with my balancing poses and my hamstring was still pretty tight. I enjoyed the class anyhow after class we hung out and chatted up a little bit and cooled

 off and then decided to go to the vegan restaurant right next to the studio, which

 was nice cause it was cool and the food is tasty. Tasty food is fine. I just

 found out couple minutes ago that Trump was graced by a bullet by a shooter in Butler Pa The shooter ended up 

being killed along with somebody else in the audience. That’s really fucked up. God knows who that

 is not some left-wing and just a complete crazy person that should not be handling

 a gun in anyway shape or form. Anyhow, we watched Law and order CI for 

two episodes and then Mary saw something disturbing on Facebook and we 

discussed that for a little while I then decided to catch Uber because it 

was around 11:30 PM and stepped on weekends at 11:30 isn’t really the bomb. Anyhow, now we’re just gonna hear about this assassination attempt on Trump for the next two weeks which wipe out the discussions about Biden’s age that the media has been on for ever and ever. God just think we have four more months of this crap, I’m exhausted just thinking about it.

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