Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday, February 28: Late 4 the End of February 2018

Good morning boys and girls. It’s a risk yet sunny day here in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. I cited after getting 
 p to go to sunrise and eating breakfast right sleep in. I slept in decided to take a shower and of course made myself late. DL was kind of slow going westbound. The train was really   the 13th. Then 
 mptied out at 15th and we went on our merry way towards West 
 hilly and 56th Street. Well my supercenter I just went myself minutes 10 minutes late. I also need to leave early so I can see Dr camil. Anyway I didn’t
 have anybody scheduled. I had one troublemaker 
 ome in but I was done with him and that was that. I then worked on the remaining 19 alerts  that had come 
 n yesterday and got done all of them. I feel good about that.  I feel good because tomorrow I have to see people and 
 inalize my 105 person list. I’m in much better shape this month with the list then I was 
 ast month. Anyhow there was a lot of talking between the workmates but I just kept working through. 
 he extra sleep was extremely helpful. Today was a much better day 
 o do X curricular activities. I left work went to Dr camil and five minutes later
 he was Ray to see me. It was a modern mericle. . I talk to my therapist and we decided we’d skip this week and I’m just gonna next week. 
 t’s a really nice day out this afternoon. We’re supposed to get some drenching rain Thursday and Friday. I believe 
 t’s a nor’easter. Well I next took the L up the Gerard Avenue to meet up with Linda
. I got off driving no problem then I missed the 15 bus because I was a bit spastic. I had an
 urge to pee really bad and that was somewhat painful. I took care of that Linda 
 hen picked me up. We went to this Italian restaurant which was pretty nice. I had Italian for 
 hat did not include pasta it was pretty good. She invited me back to her place and then we hung 
 ut shot to shit and watched some old movie and listen to some jazz musician named Chad Baker. It’s su
ch pretty good really. I ended up staying overnight rather than try to get through SEPTA late at night. I can say is more will be revealed at a later date.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday February, 27: Work Training and Meetings Ahoy🤪

Well good day kids. As of today February 27th Ave. caught up on my blog for the first time in a quite 
 ome time. If feels good. I went to the sunrise we had our disrupt the persons meeting and it went fairly smoothly. I’ve been had it out with my Saxbys 
 offee to catch the train. It was funny I started singing the song “if you happy and you know it.“ And a woman walking across Market Street at 19th so I did  have training For hours from 930 to 12:30 It’s a lot more training on the ACA or is it calmly called Obama care. They’re constantly adding new little tweaks to it. I can’t imagine how 

 F’d up it would be if the Republicans had gotten rid of Obama Care! well I got to work on time 
 nd proceeded to start working on my my sanctions and alert since I got 19 new 
 lerts in one day. The career link place tends to terminate everybody at once 
 owards the end of the month to clean their books. I actually implemented to sanctions and that worked out pretty well. I knew that I would get really tired because I
got up at two in the morning and went back 
 o sleep at 5 AM. Well I wrapped up work but only seeing two or three people today. I generally jam everybody in on Thursdays. I find if that works better and have more time to do my paperwork which is pretty huge and volume
. I then hopped on the L I knew I was going to take a nap. I took a nap and I was so tired. When 
  woke up at 6:30 PM I thought it was
 the next morning for a little bit that was really confusing feeling
. I did manage to wobble down Locust until the 12 bus came. I then called the 57 bus going
 north to 444 N. third. This meeting went pretty well the anniversary party
 is Thursday at six at St. Luke’s. Find it up walking halfway home and then caught the bus came home ate some more of the 
 picy Indian food that John made talk to John about teachers gone astray and then talked 
to Amy and went to bed. President Trump said he would have ran in to the to the Parkland school building without a weapon to save the kids from the shooter. What
 a crock!. He is such an asshole. Governor Wolf and republican 
 andidate Scott Wagner are already getting ready for the 2018 election for Pennsylvania governor. If Wagner wins that’s going to be ugly.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, February 26: MORE COWBELL!! February Winds Down

Hello boys and girls. I managed to get up and hit the sunrise about
 25 minutes late. I first stopped at the taxis and got myself medium 
 offee and a large cup. That’s what I usually get when I go to Saxbys. I usually get that many coffee 

 hop these days. It means I’m going to get enough room. igot into 
 ork but before then I updated Saturdays blog about the protest
 about the yard. I wrote it up but I didn’t put pictures in.  I was in the mood To do this. Are usually want to put blog stuff and when I’m pressed for time and I’m drinking a coffee. Otherwise I’m not that 
 otivated. I got into work and did a little bit of cleanup and 
 hen I rode up to sanctions which I’ll mail tomorrow morning. I disposed of two alerts and I’ve got four left which is really pretty good. We had a break out
 today and that was well attended. Alan who I went with to the protest with her husband Henry  brought some percussion and that was really fun. My 
 ast section as it tempting the write up was a per minute. I started this would be the one I would write up. The other two were overdue and I would just went ahead and drop the sanction process  in both of them. I still hav
e to send the notice for one of them but the other when I got done just 
 efore I was finished work. I was going to do yoga meeting up in 
 ishtown but my friend Wendy was sick so I decided I would go to West
 Philadelphia for a change. There’s
 a beautiful sunset here. I hung out at the coffee place it’s the green line café. I 
then went to 
 et cup of coffee.  I got 2 samosas and two dinners and the samosas really baby tired. I think I’m worried and want to crash real soon bad