Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Tuesday, July 23: Walking,Talking Work & Yoga

I woke up this morning after a very drowsy sleep. Feels like I’m living in a simulation, but I’m not and I know that but it just feels that way. Anyhow, I got 
the mic at my usual late time and soon after the CPAP lady came by and she was really efficient and confident and fixed the machine. She took the “prescription“ from the old machine and fixed up the machine gave

 him a new breathing apparatus and she was out of there and I’d say less than a half hour. After that happened Mary called wanted if I would meet her at a coffee place and then walk her to 

appointment so that’s what I did and that was nice and we got to talk and walk through different part of the city towards ninth and Chestnut. Anyhow, after that I came

 back to Mike , but I didn’t take a nap. Said I ate lunch. Did some TikTok and read that the Harris campaign for president is really appealing to Jenn‘s which is a really good idea 

because the Democrats are losing them over Gaza. It’s now 2:03 PM Mike has an appointment online at 2:45 I just came 

back some diet Pepsi for him at the CVS well, the time flew by really fast and I went ahead and walked towards the studio for 4 o’clock class. Maddie taught 

this class who ended up being her first full Hot class and she did really well. The only thing was the doors kept shut for way too long and I got really really hot, but I made it and I chitchatted

 and, talk to a guy known 12 step and I hung out and bought another large water. I had to bring one of my small

 Gatorade because they don’t sell 20 ounce Gatorade on Amazon apparently. So I come out and

 the weather is completely improved. It’s clearing up doesn’t feel humid out. I saw the funniest meme ever did see that Kamala Harris going after Trump with a shark and a funniest goddamn thing I’ve ever read. I’m not gonna go over her place and go to a meeting at 7 o’clock. 

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