Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday July 22: Taking Photos, 2 Yoga Classes

I woke today after a somewhat substandard sleep as compared

 to the night before. That generally happens when I sleep really 

really well one night the next night always a hit or miss mostly a mess. Anyway, I got the Mike’s about 20 minutes 
late and we settled into a routine turned

 on the AC and Settled in. Anyway, I got Mike a couple things and a script and noticed it won’t be raining till 9 PM according to my clock. It’s an interesting

 slow day today. Which I like it’s been a lot of news and stuff around and it’s 

nice when a day operate slowly , Wes sent me this article about 

Upper Darby which was really fascinating is written back in 2021. It’s a nice story about locations in Upper Darby and 

how it’s changed over the years.. 
I posted it on Facebook. I thought that was nice of him to send me that. Anyhow, friend of mine, Tracy

invited me to go out and take pictures and critique each other‘s photographs. That was a real eye-opener. She taught

 me that I should take my photos and raw are A W. and it really helps with

close-up pictures. The colors pop 
more, etc. I’m still using my video because the video pictures allow

 a longer up and down range. We walked all the way from Rittenhouse

 Square to Terminal market. It was interesting getting directly critique. I’ve never been critiqued 

before only critiques I got were from Facebook or Instagram and if I got 

accepted to a show and I got rejected from a photo photography 

show that really stunned me a little bit, but I figured a lesson a free lesson and a little 

yoga talk would be good so that’s what I did. It’s not 2:28 PM. I’ve been 

out for couple hours and , just really overcast and it was really hard to get

 good contrast on my photos. I did buy Mike two Pepsi’s like I promised I 

would since I was gonna be gone for a little while. I might do a double today

 in yoga, depending how I feel it it is really humid. It’s not that hot. It’s just 

really humid. I returned to Mike’s and had lunch. I think I had it pretty close to my class 

so that could be a problem. Hopefully it won’t be. I plan to go to the

 4 o’clock class as usual. I just rested because I was a lot of walking and a lot of pictures I had to put this on this blog.I like ideas for 
general pictures. My video method is what I’m most comfortable with. On front the CPAC ladies gonna show up and try to fix Mike’s CPAP machine  
tomorrow so that’s the thing for tomorrow. I’m pretty tired now, but I think little walking and going to class should be good. So I left Mike’s at 3:40 which is about the latest. I can leave heading to the 4 o’clock class. I think I ate too soon. Hopefully I’ll just settle in my stomach and not make me nauseous. It’s still such a day. It’s supposed to rain a little bit, I suppose. well, I took Byron‘s class today and it was the usual very challenging but three of the yoga instructors were there and we just went through the 75 minute class and and I did OK. I reminded Byron that he only did one set of a particular pose and got a good chuckle out of that. a nice woman backed me up and everything went smoothly. Afterwards I decided for the heck of it I would do a double since Mary wasn’t gonna be home till 9:00 PM. So I went to the Pilates class with Maddie and that had to be the hardest Pilates class I’ve ever been to holy crap that was hard  because I had exercised and walked around all day because I don’t know, but it was really really difficult class. I was dying. I haven’t been that bad off since this one class in West philly I took years ago. I thanked Maddie for the good class but also expressed how hard it was and she said “this is not a beginners class and you’re not a beginner.” That’s true. I’ve been to her classes before , but maybe it was a combos extreme heat class isn’t that hot anyway, I chitchat a bit and then walk towards Mary‘s got more water and Gatorade and sat in the hallway for a while and looked at funny political memes, and talk to a couple people which would be my sister and my friend Donna.  Mary got home and we talked for a while about various topics obviously her day with getting mom’s chairs and orders then left her place around 1130 walked 15 minutes down to 15 market and caught the market Frankfurt line back home. Once home, I ate my two samosas, a yogurt and a poppy soda , and went to bed a very tired, exhausted man 

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