Friday, April 30, 2021

Friday, April 30: Rental Return, Work & Port Richmond

Well kids I had to get up a little bit early to put money in the meter for the rental get started on my work and go to a meeting. I got the A work support thingy

 so I have to hustle on that. I also decided to go to you do we do since I had a 

 ar and dropped off a load of laundry. Actually I was really in need 

 f changing the pillow sheets in the sheets in my bedroom because I hadn’t 

 done that in ages. Well I did that after going back-and-forth and then 

 ent to the car rental place and dropped off the car. Pat is to pick me  up at the Hertz rental car. He said 1030. He arrived around 10:55 AM. Well he drop me off and took care of some business

. I got caught up working and hitting the head. Then it was lunchtime in time to head out to the motorcycle place to drop off his bike. So I waited till lunchtime and went to the to the motorcycle 
 lace with PATRICK. I got there before he did and I drove really 

 low. We got there it was an interesting neighborhood for sure. Port Richmond is an interesting 

 rea. Anyhow I got back I went back to work. I got a little bit done but

 I have that MA support thing to finish up. Only get that done early Monday morning. Anyhow afterwards I could really tired 

 ut I talked on the phone for a while. I made some  pasta. I enjoyed it very much.   listen to this auto mechanic 
dude on YouTube named Scotty. Just so much involved with with owning a car. It’s kind of encouraging yet
also discouraging. Speaking of discouraging I ran into 

 this article in the Washington Post about this woman who suffered from depression 

& anxiety.  She brought kids joy with her ‘magical’ toys. She hid her own misery until it became unbearable. She has 5 kids and makes the toys

 that are making her a ton of money. She wrote this poem when she was a kid. The burden of myself
 has grown impossible to bear
. Although rather than slip further
 down this mountain of despair
I will simply cry for help
And hope an angel hears my plea
Or I’ll not survive much longer
And succumb to misery.

almost forgot to mention that I went to the U do we do since I had a car for a little while and dropped off whole mess of laundry.
Some of it I hadn’t done in a long time. I’m picking it up next Friday 

 one way or another. I enjoy my Fridays relaxing after work because I tend to be really wiped out and unmotivated do anything.That’s a far cry from 30 years ago when 

 Friday night was the big night out and I can party… Woo hoo🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 well this is the last day of April and return to warmer weather and summer will be here in about 2 1/2 weeks 
to three weeks. I found out that I need to pick up a photograph from the plastic club. I think that photographs been in their storage
for about two years now. I have no idea what the

 photo it’s up but I will pick it up. For now I will be talking on the phone and getting ready to crash good night world

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thursday, April 29: Work Then Road Trio

Well I got up today and I felt OK. I got to work and took 

 are of all the emails I could in the morning. I’m leaving for a quick trip to Long Beach Island around 1:00 PM. It’s not the best day in 

the world it’s a 50% chance of some rain but it’s still 

 orth it. The last time I went to the shore it was really gusty and rainy and stuff. Anyhow I 

 ound a car rental place in upper Darby that was rang the car for about 40% less than comparable

 car is a 30th Street Station. It was a really rinky-dink place. I got a Hyundai Elantra then I drove and park for a bit and then left for the island around 1 PM. It 

 ent pretty smoothly the car had a lot of pep to it. When I arrived at the island I stopped Joey’s pizza to get a slice at it take care of mother nature which need it taken care of. So that’s what’s going on. Well the day wasn’t as sunny as as all would like but it wasn’t too bad. Took a walk down the beach for a while and it was pretty nice but you definitely needed a long sleeve shirt because it was a bit windy and chilly. We decided to eat lunch at Joeys pizza and that pizza is so game good.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Wednesday, April 28: Sunny Work Day. Center City and West Chester

Good day everybody. Today’s supposed to be the hottest day of the year thus far. Hitting the 80s. Anyhow I slept in because I had another fitful night asleep trying to get my act together and stuff. I don’t know what else to say about that. Anyhow I did get up and I feel a lot better than I would if I got up at 7:15 in the morning. Anyway I got my work and took care of most of the reports that I could. We got junk mail and Pat Got his tires delivered by Amazon today. They were for his motorcycle. Today later on, I go to Westchester. Well I visited Mike and we talked for a little bit it was pretty cool. Are we still relaxing them over at Mike’s. After that I caught walk to the Broad Street line but that ran late so it just made me late for my appointment about 20 minutes. I already told him. The appointment was very enlightening I must say. I have to be myself and not what other people want me to be basically is the summation but there’s more to that. Fortunately there is  7:25 PM  104 bus that goes straight to 69th St.   It’s cool that goes right to 69th St. and I walk another 10 minutes from home. It’s really nice night. I’m in a T-shirt for the first time at 7:21 PM.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Tuesday, April 27: Work w/ May and June Arrangements

Well after fitful sleep where I got up twice after weird dreams and what not I got to work. Finished up referrals went through the emails. You know, the usual
 work thing. Pat came by during lunch and we talked for a tiny  it. I  made final plans for a day trip down  to LBI on  Thursday.

. I got a pretty good deal in upper Darby for the car. Who is about 20 bucks less than what I would’ve paid if I picked it up at 30th St. I  was very pleased with that. I was also told 

 y my brother that he was planning to rent a house for LBI between July 3 and July 10. I told him I would just go for the three day weekend. I’ve got to make arrangements 

 round the operation that my friends having. So I got a bunch of stuff wrapped around my friends operationm so the summer is going to be pretty well occupied 
 ill August I’m guessing. What can I say when it rains it pours and stuff yeah! Well I needed to go to the bank to rearrange some funds I paid a little bit too

 much into something so I took some of it back. I took the train quickly to the TD Bank I am going

 to meet Pat at 42nd Chestnut Road, bashes or Babis is located.  Pats going to walk his dog at the Wissahickon I’m gonna join him. The walk was quite pleasant. Got some pretty good pictures I think. I really think I should take a picture it’s pretty amazing. And then came home and ate some Indian that I bought on the way to the hike. It was still pretty warm believe it or not. I hate that got pretty tired and ended my day