Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday, July 27: Pilates, Breakfast, Nap & Yoga

I’m just a Homeslice. woke up to Dorchester and Mary and I got ready to 

go to 9 AM Pilates class near 21st and Chestnut I believe. There were about

 10 of us there and it was in a community building where they have all

 kinds of activities for adults and kids and they have a studio there that has mirrors and stuff like that. So we did the Pilates and I did OK, but there 

was one we had to lift up the legs and my legs would not move so my core
is definitely still weak, even after all the yoga. Then we went 

to Montreal spread bagel and I had a egg white bagel and Mary and I talked for a little bit and chilled out. She’s mourning her mom‘s death. It was nice

 that I could help her make it feel better. after we had a bagel, etc. we decided we needed a walk so we walked to Mike’s. I got my Phillies hat and I returned his EBT card so I got something done and he got some 

company. So we did that and that was fun. We didn’t walk back in Mary realize she was dehydrated and we went to the CVS
and got some Gatorade. I also had a

 drink at Mike’s and shared it. We got back to her place and decided to take a nice 

glorious 45 minute nap, is that good. It’s now 3:41 PM. I’m heading towards the 4 PM 90 minute hot yoga class with Mia. Mary 

is just gonna take a break and take a nap and relax and then we’re gonna chow down maybe on a sandwiches that she likes to make. Well, miss class

 was good. I went to the area that usually Marie goes to and the heat wasn’t nearly as god-awful. It was fairly mild by this summer standard so I was able to push a little
harder on my poses, which is good. My balance was a little bit better today, I had enough water. It’s now 5:54 PM. I’m heading back towardsthe Dorchester. It’s still sunny Oh,
and I stopped

 at 1608 Locust just to sit because his doors are open and had a comfortable couch so I updated my blog for a little bit here.. I’m walking towards Rittenhouse Square where I’m going to pick up a Pepsi and then hit Mary’s

 place and we’re going to settle on what to have for dinner. The Olympics kicked off

 yesterday in Paris, France, and the swimmer named Caleb Dressel won the first gold medal for the United States today. That’s the 

leading story. It’s nice to have leading stories like 
that instead of politics all the time. we decided to have Indian and then we watched a British detective story about the youthful officer Morris detective Morse. It takes place in Cambridge England. We were watching it and Mary and I were just thinking we could go to Cambridge and take lots of pictures because the photography and cinematography were really cool in the show.

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