Sunday, June 02, 2024

Sunday, June 2: Cleaning and Visiting Mom

Hello. After staying up pretty late last night I got up around 845 assuming 

at the cleaning woman would come at 9:00 AM. Fortunately, I happened to look at a text message that said can she come at 10:30 so I ok’d 

 that of course and I went back to sleep 45 minutes later I got up. Boy, did that time fly by!
 I then had two bananas and some piece I bought at the Indian store 

where I got the money to pay pay. So she finished and I had it down to 69th St. 

terminal.  is it it is at that point I found out why my train station 

was closed. They’re doing “scheduled work.“ This schedule track work is from 69th St. to 63rd St. 

only so they’re running shuttle buses for the rest of today. Supposed 

to have regular service  Tomorrow. Anyhow, I arrived at the Riddle Village. Got some 

Diet Pepsi and chips at the Wawa and headed over. Today 

is a little warmer and humid than it was yesterday. It’s also cloudy. Anyhow, it’s now 2:10 PM mom and I walked to the dog park area and that was fine. She 

did complain about being a little out of breath and she told me her ankle was swollen so 

I reported that to Dave. We had a nice visit. I’m now waiting for

 the Uber to pick me up. I’m taking the Uber to the media train station and that way I can get the downtown without 

around with the EL which has it some issue with shuttle buses from 69th St. 
to 63rd St. downtown. Well, it’s 3:20 PM. I went to meet Wayne at 12th 

and arch and while I was there I saw outside the convention center. There was 
some story forced Oregon harvesting 

in China. 🇨🇳. Wayne then picked me up and we went to a place called Chino at 10th Spring Garden and had some Mexican food. My burrito was huge. The service was good and I 

got my phone charged up because the battery died. Anyhow, we hung out there for a while and talked and caught up.Wayne dropped me off at Furman Avenue and I killed a little bit of time walking up Fairmont Avenue and entertaining myself. I went to reggae at 6:30 PM. Actually Kaitlyn found me as I was sitting on a stoop nearby. She had worked at HYP and had to wait for the yoga teacher training people to leave. The session went very well. I was tired. I had a lot of energy. It was a little bit different session than normal. 

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