Friday, June 14, 2024

Friday, June 14: Citadel Interview, DM Medical and Mike’s

Hi! Today I woke up at 6:30 AM to get ready for my interview with Citadel Home-care now 

going to be called Eminence home-care. I’ve known about this appointment for a week when I was called and left a message while I was on vacation with Mary.  I woke

 up early so I had plenty of time to roll out of bed. Eat breakfast talk to Mary and dress up in an outfit that’s more appropriate for a job interview. This was like a job 

review because I was Mike and I were reported for possible neglect. Anyway, I got there in time and the ladies were very nice and
very hospitable and basically seemed to acknowledge they had to do this. Anyhow, I was able to write out a statement and get a plan 

written out for the future. Next thing I did was I want to DM
medical for my 11 AM appointment. Dr had me sign the release form again. They changed a couple things and then they 

took a blood sample. It’s now 11:39 PM. I am going to take the Broadstreet line southto get to Lombard as quickly as possible so I can sign in. Well, I had

 to call Citadel to get them to put the clock on my app so I could sign in so I signed in around noon and I set it up to sign out at 5 PM. Hi, then brought
 a shirt and got lunch for Mike before going into 

Pennsylvania hospital. Then visited Mike at the hospital and he was being released around 2 PM. They got the scripts and checked them out. They were very polite. They used the wheelchair and we got an Uber out to his place. then put away the rest of Mom’s Meals and he hast to cancel.e. Got a lot done when I made the bed 

put new sheets on that were clean and, did my basic job. It’s now 5:03 PM.  I forgot to get fucking Gatorade. Quickly went to CVS bought a very large one 

and got a $10 credit. I went to the 530 happy hour class and I forgot the woman’s name it teaches it. Anyhow I made it to the class didn’t get faint, but it was very hot 

but she released the door. After we got back to Mary’s, I just 

sat and then I lied down for two hours I was wiped out! We then had vegetarian 

burgers and went to bed. I was just absolutely wiped the fuck out. It was quite 

a day quite a weekof stuff. I think tomorrow 
looks like a day of rest. I might even skip the 4 o’clock yoga class just to recoup my energy and mojo. Because when I said, I was tired, it was serious tired. Gotta listen to the body.

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