Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday, June 20: Yoga Lesson Busy at Mike’s. Reiki

Today I got up at 7:30 AM as usual and what I did was I had to pull 

out and get the Mike’s earlier than what I’ve been doing because I had a 9:30 AM private yoga lesson at the Hot Yoga , Philadelphia studio. So I did get there at 8:38 which is pretty good for for me usually,

 I don’t get there till 8:45 AM or later. Anyhow went to Linda‘s lesson and we both mostly did balancing stick which was a real eye-opener and we really 

worked on that pose. We didn’t need any heat and she just was very helpful. Afterwards, I did take a quick shower and I felt really good. Taking a shower in the morning 

after that. I didn’t get back to Mike’s had lunch and then a cavalcade of people came in to visit a nurse social worker physical therapist, someone to install1 this online 

reporting system which included a scale in Mike’s house. The 

physical therapist was the most enlightening he ordered Mike commode 

and gave Mike encouragement on  to do exercises to do every hour walking around

 his house. I just found out Mary’s not gonna be able to make yoga today but I feel 

I need to go just to work on my balancing stick stuff and see how I 

do in actual class. It’s now 3:44 PM ,  I’m heading to the 4:00 PM 75 minute class 

With Rob. Well the class is pretty damn good. Linda was there as well 

so that was cool after class. I walked with her until I took a ride on Locust and I 

went ahead and visited Mary for a minute then I caught it up a minute 

and a half early and then 33 minutes early and I thought I was catching it so I think

 I caught a late bus frankly!! Well, it’s 6:27 PM. It was a good thing. I 

got that late bus so now I bought myself dinner from the vendor who I know 

wouldn’t be open by the time I come out of my session that starts in about

 three minutes. It’s still very warm and right after this house will be going to my 

CODA meeting. Well, my friend at session was really intense.

 I told her what I wanted to deal with such as anxiety and stress plus gratitude and 

gratitude. All the stuff came out and I 
was left a little mellow a little bit days as well but I think it was fruitful. I then went to the CODA meeting and there was about five new people.two shares were particularly one was bizarre. The woman was talking all over the place and the other one the woman was talking about you. She couldn’t leave me back that’s for sure. I came home and I was completely brain dead. I was coming home so that’s. 

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