Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday, June 21: A Tired Day

Hi. I woke up feeling pretty lethargic and tired so I took my sweet time

 getting dressed. I ended up getting at Mike’s around 8:57 AM. Once I got the Mike’s, I settled in and did a little bit of sweeping around the house and needed to go to the bank to transfer 

money from my vaccine account to my regular bank account. Had time to do that. Once I did that I got back to Mike’s. I also got a couple soft drinks as 

well. It was noticeably hotter todayfor sure. I got back to Mike and had some lunch. It was a good lunch.  No guests came in today and I worked really slowly. Knight decided to go to the 5:30 PM

 happy hour with Kaitlyn first one over Mary‘s place and we hung out and relax before the class. Once you got the class, it was pretty 

crowded with lots of men men everywhere like 3/4 men at least. class was good. Kaitlyn was a good teacher. Afterwards I had to wait for the shower 

which was a real drag, but I had plenty of water to drink and cool off so once I did get dressed, I had already stopped sweating so that was good. After class, 

we went back to my place  to see if my shirt was delivered with Amazon delivery. 
The train was really packed and packed. One ☝️

 of the cars was closed off so door shut on me. But nothing happened we got there in the shirt was there we relaxed at my place and ran

 into Pat. That was good.  Then brought two days of yoga clothes so I’d have to clean yoga clothes while I wait for Pat to fix
 his dryer. We got back to Mary and some veggie burgers around

 10:30 PM. They were very good. Mary made

 all the fixings very quickly. We looked at , some profiles of the hot room and Ammie Morales within finally went to bed The heat wave will continue unabated tomorrow where it will be the hottest day so far. Fortunately, overall, the humidity has stayed under 60 to 70% which has made it tolerable out here. This is happened in July or August. Humidity probably would be much worse.

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