Monday, June 03, 2024

Monday, June 3: Mike’s, Choir Risers and Yoga

After a decent night sleep, I got up ate breakfast and headed down towards Mike’s Septo having one of its mechanical issues so either 

wait 10 minutes for the train. Anyhow, I got there signed
in and drink some super coffee washing TikTok and talk to Mike a bit and cleaned up some dishes. it’s now 10:52 AM on going 

down to church of the holy Trinity at 19th and Walnut to help pick up risers and put them in the truck. 🛻 
There are people going to New Jersey, but I can’t do that because friends stopping by and going to visit Mike an Betsy’s her name, anyhow it’s overcast a little bit humid but there’s 

enough of a breeze and it’s not stifling. . Took my time getting back to Mike’s. It was  such a nice day out. I’ve came back had 

some lunch and were discussing plans of moving his stuff around so he could easily Work at his desk. It’s very fascinating. Well today, Betsey came by and we saw protest at the University of the Arts. It is closing 

down due to some heavy intense, political bullshit about their accreditation. I mean it suddenly close with no advance warning 

whatsoever. I first found out about it a 2⃣ days ago on Facebook. So they had a band playing in a protest going on they’re blocking 

the street for a little bit but data civil affairs Officer clearing out the blockade it got blocked a little bit. And Betsy and I went back and we hung out with 

Mike the rest of the day next thing you know it became 3:30 PM and it was time to make like a baby and split or something like that or make like a banana split. I went to the 4 o’clock 

class. It was talked by Byron. The room was pretty stoking hot that’s for damn sure. But I felt more limber today because of that same heat. It was just enough air to get 

me through, but I did drink a shit ton of liquids. Afterwards, I hung out for a while. Talk to Evan about his teaching and I think they’re gonna recruit Mr. teacher very 

soon after his training and this month. Anyhow, I went back to Mary’s.

 We hung out. We saw a little bit of MSNBC and then I went off to AA 

meeting, and I ran into , the guy never again he came back from Portland, Oregon. 

You can take a look at this blog entry and that explains it as much as I want it. 

Then left the meeting quickly and hung out with Mary for about an hour 

and 15 minutes and then I told her I had to go home because I have to do laundry 

before the flight. I got home ate my leftovers and then did my laundry

 and watch Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and some old Eagles highlights from the year 2000 eagles beat the Cowboys in overtime at a regular season game on November 5, 2000. Remind me I should bring all my pack stuff, when I leave for work tomorrow, that’s a good idea 

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