Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday June 12: I Work 4 Morons

Well, the flight back home went really really smooth. In fact you got 

here about 20 minutes ahead of time. We decided not to take Uber and take the SEPTA train back to Philadelphia.It’s  to save a little money and the train was

 only about 14 minutes. Anyhow, we got back and I crashed the mighty
crashed for 202 hours and 15 minutes then I was gonna get ready for my in/meeting with Citadel/Eminence homecare. I’m about to run off and catch 

train out to Glenside when I got a message they canceled the appointment now they want me to show up at 9 AM on Friday June 14. They were the ones that  didn’t want me to miss work for This 

so-called “interview” part of me wants to tell them to go fuck themselves. It’s a good thing that I’m just going to go home and eat and sleep and then go to yoga eventually. Well, I did sleep 

eventually around 1 o’clock and got up a little after two around 2:20 PM. Pat

 treated me a little bit of Indian food you wanted to share was nice. It’s our 3:40 PM 

and since today’s Wednesday, I don’t go to class till 5:30 PM. I’m heading

 down to Center City right now. I think they fix their train derailment

 problems. It’s 4:20 PM and I just arrived at Mary’s gonna chill out a little 

bit and then head over to 530 yoga and then Yin class afterwards. It’s 

513 we got to class early, which is good. what class was really 

very good and very packed for sure. Glad we did come early. They had three rows
in the studio. After class was time for Yen 

and that’s right I discovered that I was really stiff from my hips. I think the plane ride made
my hips extra stiff, but I’ll contact
 Linda about a lesson. Still in the hospital he called in class. I did attempt to call him back, but he was not answering. So tomorrow’s gonna be a little bit complicated we ordered Indian and we’re gonna order. 

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