Saturday, June 08, 2024

Saturday, June 8: Sleeping In. Driving and Sailing ⛵️ Club

Well today we slept in and it was good to sleep in today. Yesterday was quite an experience. It was fun. It was

 awesome and very intense @ times. We woke up. I had two bowls of cereal

 and a yogurt. Alice was out at her service. next Mary, I decided we’d take another 

short drive analysis mini Cooper. It was to give Mary more practice driving the car 

around. We decided we check out the target that’s nearby. We ended up 

not buying anything, but we took our sweet time looking around for anything

 from shorts to sandals to hats. There’s really nothing that we really needed
 so we left there and hung out with Alice. Alice then gave us the option of going to her yacht club and that’s kind of good to us. Well, in  London, the Phillies beat the Mets in the first of two games in London 7 to 2. I saw 

the highlights Ciano homer that was a bomb. anyhow, Allison invited us to go to the Mission Bay yacht club fine. We first got there and then we got 

something to eat. I got some chicken wings and they got some salad. I was feeling really mellow. I didn’t say much in the car I just was extremely mellow today. It was fine because Alice

 was very flexible with what we were going to do we are going to thinking of going kayaking but we decided not to do that and do something a little quieter. So 
we’re going to take a walk along the beach

 it’s now 5:11 PM and I’m glad that Allison was really flexible with our planning that made things a lot more fun. So we decided to skip any kind of kayaking

 and we went straight to Mission Beach. We saw bird flying overhead and beach scenes, etc. It was pretty cool weatherwise, but we enjoyed it and took lots of 

pictures and played around with the pictures and mug for photos.then 

we and I posted on Facebook some of the pictures.  We relax for a while and then

 at 7 o’clock we packed the car and headed right back home 

to Alice’s place. Used to race a lot. It was good just to relax. The club is definitely

 a 70s year of field. Isn’t that uptight at all. The service was very nice. 

It was nice to go to place and have a day made you forget about the bullshit. I’m

 going to be facing when I get back home or Monday when I have
to call those assholes at the place and apologize and get slapped around. When we got home, we decided we would have pizza and watch a movie. 

We set the popcorn tried to watch two free movies but they both sucked so we decided to rent Oppenheimer, which is very good. A 
lot of the communist era the anti-communist red scare era, Alzheimer accused Communist. It was very complex movie but very well acted 
  Glad I got to watch  it. It was the movie last year as you all know. Well, we all crashed because we’re gonna try to go to a 10:30 AM 

CorePower yoga 
class tomorrow bright and early!

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