Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday June 11: Last Day in Poway Jumping a Mini Cooper

Hello we woke up in a lazy fashion around 11 AM. After we got up, I 

made short work of the rest of the raising bran and moose up the rest of the 

milk and the coffee. Mary thought it be polite to buy Alice coffee

 since we drank it. I thought that was a swell idea so after we did our laundry or at least through our laundry and dryer, we decided to goto the mall and get some coffee we successfully 

did that well in the midst of doing that we realize that the car was dead. In other words it wouldn’t start so we waited 25 
minutes and then we tried to start the car again and it failed to start 
so we called AAA and then we’re gonna hang out at the Starbucks while we wait for AAA to call right. Well, we waited about 15 minutes. The AAA call back from Southern California and this 

guy came about two minutes afterwards a modern miracle. It’s hard to believe that they shut up within 20 minutes, not an hour or two hours. Alice got the same kind of service must have better 

service out here peoples cars aren’t breaking down right now. South 437. We have to drive the car six or 

7 miles and then let the car just sit and run for 20 more minutes. Well, we successfully got the car started and we did take a drive around and parked it back where we found it. It was a little Harriet times but we made it and that’s a good thing for everybody involved. We then ate our leftovers and came in and was studying, I took a nice shower which felt really good and packed all my stuff. We then met a nice Uber driver took us to the airport. The airport was pretty limited no Pepsi products just Coke products. Mary bought a nice sweatshirt. It’s now 1042 and a for everybody on plane and we’re getting ready to leave. Ann Plane is completely full. 

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