Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday, June 22: 9 AM Pilates with Amy, Rest andYoga

After a late dinner and like going to sleep, we got up around 8:30 AM 

to get ready for 9 AM Pilates class with Amy. We got there about a minute late, but we made it for the warm-ups and she had two extra mats I was able to borrow a mat so quickly 

got dressed from the other room and we did Pilates move such as planks

 planks, etc. I don’t know the names of the a lot of the positions 

we did. Anyhow, we talked and found out that Amy left Hot Yoga  Philadelphia and she’s  doing her own

 things. We talked about going to the hot room together as a 

group which would be fun, would make it more fun to go away in the heart 

of South Philly. it’s not get done. I brought some laundry from home 

because I don’t have a dryer right now. Pat is  too busy working. Anyhow,

 later on Pat wrote back and told me that there’s another thing wrong 

with the dryer so he has to bring in a repair man so it looks like no dryer

 for the rest of the month. Anyhow, after that class went back to 

doors and then mellow out in the AC for a little bit. Snooze and talked and stuff. We didn’t got ready for the 4 PM class. We went to the 4 PM class in the 96° heat and there was 

about 12 to 15 of us in the room Miah talked. The class was a good class. I was extremely thirsty, but I made it through. OK I was pretty darn tired wasn’t

 really up for doing much of anything so we just relaxed and watched a little bit of TikTok and John Oliver’s , show 

about project 2025 up the whole federal government that makes the president have almost absolute power to make policy. We ordered some Indian, which 

was a good idea cause I’m hungry now. It’s now 8:14 PM. It feels like 6:30 PM. The days are going to get shorter, but the
 heat wave will continue. According to my Apple Weather, the

 heat wave won’t break till next Monday not the Monday coming up. Forecast for that day is the high

 being only 81°.

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