Saturday, June 08, 2024

Thursday, June 6: First Day in Poway. Padres Game.

Due to being jet-lagged, I suppose, we didn’t get up till 11 AM this morning 

 That breakfast I had cereal and Marie had scrambled eggs and toast. Alice came up with aplan to go to Lake Poway today. It was a really good idea! We got to lake Pain 

first the paddle boat. Mary and I battled the boat and Alice sat in the back and did some reading and guidance. I took sunscreen everywhere and I got a nice 

little sunburn on the top of my legs. Fortunately didn’t hurt or start peeling thank God for that. The rest of me was fine. Paddle boating, we founda shady area

 on a hill and did some really fun mellow out. I read the New Yorker. Alice read her book , which was a Harry Potter book. I 
think it’s the one I’m not sure. That was a good time and relaxing. I took some fun pictures as well. After a little while, we left wayback to Alice’s place
where Mary and I each got a shower and chilled out and cleaned up after

 getting pretty warm. We prepared for the Padres game by getting extra warm items

 you see in San Diego it’s cooler at night then in Poway. It 

was noticeably overcast and Cooler as we were driving to the Padres game. We got 

stuck at a pretty bad traffic jam on the highway. We went to the fashion village,

 parked in a big parking lot and took the train the rest of the way to the stadium. 

Once we got to the game, the Padres were already losing three 

to nothing at the top of the second inning when we arrived.  The Padres tied the score 3 to 3. Eventually, the Padres lost 4 to 3 Manny Machado got up and hit 

it dribbler to the mound. It was kind of embarrassing. It’s a nice stadium. The scoreboard is little bit busy and I guess keeping with modern stadium stuff they pounded

 loud music encourage people cheer and all that stuff.  Mary and I got a hotdog and Alice went back 

and got food for all of us. It was just to get by. Alice managed 

to get a vegetarian hotdog and she got some chips and cheese. It wasn’t too bad 

considering it was junk food. And around 9:15 PM. The pitch clock

 really does quick up the game for sure. Back in the day games probably wouldn’t 

end it till at least 10:00 PM or later. We’ve been caught the train just 

as it showed up, which was good because it would’ve been an extra 20 minutes, 

we got back to Alice and we watch Stephen 
Colbert and had some good laughs especially during the “meanwhile segment” we all got tired and crashed around midnight or 12:30 PM. 

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