Monday, June 24, 2024

Monday, June 24: Case Dropped. Yoga 🧘 @Meeting

Today I woke up a little bit sluggish. I guess I wasn’t quite used to the air

 conditioning, but whatever I got up and organized all the clothes that I had hung up all over the apartment 3/4 were dry, which was nice so I put 
them away. I packed for Yoga, not realizing

 that I would forget my water and my shorts for class. Anyhow, I went to Mike’s and did a little bit of cleaning in the bathroom and also bought a 

regular Mop, not SpongeBob Mike didn’t want sponge mop. I like them better cause you can squeeze out the water easier.. anyhow, later in the day, Mike got a call and found out that

 PCA was dropping the case they had against me and against the agency for being sloppy and stuff. That’s a good first start to get this thing behind me. Speaking of training the stupid agency has their yearly, three

 hour training module. And I am just not looking forward to doing that again anytime
soon. I didn’t end up going to class and it was taught by Lauren who 
was pretty good. It’s a nice size class not too big. Afterwards picked up samosas and went to Mary’s for a little bit and then went to the meeting. After the 
meeting, I looked at the beautiful sunset on the 11th floor of the Dorchester. That was nice. 

Came back to the Dorchester and I had my two samosas and a banana. I just heard

 Julian Massage just settled with the United States government and pleaded 

guilty and charges in exchange that he does have to spend more time in prison and 

go back to his home country of Australia. He served about five 

yearsin a British jail. After that, we watched order criminal tent and hang out for a while. Eventually, I got home and had decided to postpone the fixing of the computer until he downloaded antivirus software maybe joins the forum about installing his flight simulator 7.5. I then had some yogurt and that juicy and head off to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a very busy day with choir stuff going on.

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