Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wednesday June 26: Mike’s Dentist Fabio’s and Yon

After a nice sleep at the Dorchester, I got up and efficiently 

had some raisin bran had some water and headed off to Mike’s. I got to walk to Mike’s instead of having to take the L so I was only

 about 10 minutes late for Mike’s. Once I got the Mike’s did a little cleanup and then, Mike has his 
had his online appointment this Therapist. After that we got ready from 

Mike’s appointment with the dentist. Were you supposed to get his teeth put in. It ended up it took an hour and they did put in in his top dentures but he hast to 

come back on Thursday, July 11 at 1 PM for an appointment. They wanted to put it on July 8 but I have two appointments that day . We use Lyft to go back-and-forth. LIFT is about 2 to 3 bucks cheaper per trip, which 

is quite interesting. That two or three extra boxes the size of a tip that they expect from you when you do a ride service. So that went really smoothly , after 

that, I looked a little bit of TikTok. I still have to buy that ticket for Buffalo. That’s what I need to do. I’m went to Fabio‘s to pick up another pair of shorts and

 another T-shirt. Try to get one of the larger white T-shirt about yesterday

 is , a bit tight. It’s fine for wearing a dress shirt over it. I went to class and Dan taught it. It was a good class.

 Nice sweated but I really had trouble with balancing stick. I really have 

a mental block that hasn’t gotten any better. Anyway, I went to yen and that was different

 with Mia. I got a little emotional, but I got to stretch 

my muscles and what not. Went back to Mary’s and we got our delicious Indian 

food and watched Watergate plumbers which we watched before and really 

enjoyed it. It was fun. We had some good giggles and some deep discussions all mixed into a nice head stew. I came out and it’s if you don’t, leave by 11 PM you 

end up waiting and waiting unless you get lucky you time to 21 bus which 
I did not so I’m been sitting here 17 minutes next to the homeless woman sleeping in the stall. It’s now 1150. We’re about to have some thunderstorms at 12:03 PM. The bus eventually did come and had a detour. I did get momentarily caught in rain, but managed to get through without getting too wet. . 

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