Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Wednesday, June 5: Prepping and Flying to San Diego

Ho Ho! Good! I got up at the Dorchester today. I I was pretty tired since we were up late last night. It was about 9:30 AM when we finally got out of bed and 

got ready to prepare for a day. I first had to go to Mike’s drop off his credit card I kept and then go back home to Millbourne and pick up two photo albums and a couple 

other things for Alice. When I got there, I decided that I would take a shower because I was pretty sweaty and stuff from walking around. It was pretty humid.  so I got Alice’s photos and then scooted back on the train 

back to the Dorchester and meet up with Mary. She was still packing and I finished off yesterday‘s blog posting and had some cereal which was very good. In fact I like cereal. I had a super coffee 

as we headed to the airport. We decided instead of taking the 17 bus or walking with all our luggage. She just called Uber seem to be the best idea. It worked out 

very well. We got the train plenty of time the train took us to the airport and the TSA pre-check worked beautifully as advertised $85 bucks. 
I’ve spent all year. The plane depart 3:54 PM Eastern 

time 6:11 PM San Diego time , total flight is five hours and 17 minutes according to the sheet here at the airport. Will be boarded pretty smoothly. It’s now 3:36 PM. Flight 

supposed to launch on 3:54 PM Eastern time. Just found out we’re going to be 

delayed a little bit because the “catering” didn’t come in yet other words the 

food hasn’t arrived yet. I think that’s for the first class people 

only so that’s what we’re waiting for. It’s 3:50 PM now. This is a transcontinental 

flight across the United States and they offer a cookie and 

a pretzel. That’s it in order to get more food you pay for it. It’s hilarious. It’s much 

better flying overseas. I got like a real food 
special on SAS airlines
they were really good. Well, we took off at 4:12 PM about 20 minutes late.⏰ Wills to tune it two hours
 and 15 minutes left for the flight. It’s very loud flight. I’m next to the bathroom so it’s always a hip and happening joint here. All they offered was cookies or a pretzel and they said they would give you a second drink, but they ran out of ice ice ice baby.

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