Sunday, June 09, 2024

Sunday, June 9: Core Power and Hanging Out w/Alice

Today the alarm went off at 9 AM. We got a late start because Alice didn’t 

hear us wake up, but we’re off to CorePower yoga for a 10:30 AM class. It’s a Hillcrest where Mimi lives. To class on time with miracle. The class was really good. It wasn’t

 terribly high, which was nice because I could do positions without 😓 my 

brains 🧠 out. It was more warm you but it the teacher was very nice. One 

of the guys I met was from Philadelphia area originally. We then went

 to a delicious Ramen place called Nishiki Ramen. When Alice brought up Ramen, I 

said I thought of the Ramen packets I had in the mid 80s. Back then, I could buy a whole case for five bucks!!!! We got back to Alice’s place in Poway and

 brought in various clothes and backpacks along with their yoga mats. It’s now 1:51 PM we’re getting settled. We hung out and talked about Real estate
getting really expensive and how prices have gone up ⬆️ SO MUCH over the past few years. We noted , how much housing costs have  outpaced wages. We looked up for 21 Owen 
Rd. 233 S. 49th St. and 112 E. spine to see if how much the house is 

going up. 112 E. Pine is now worth 153,000 it is increased by 93,000 since 

the pandemic hit. That was very interesting for we’re just sitting in the

 living room at 3:50 PM looking up stuff about housing and real estate, 

etc. mellow out. It’s nice just to be causal and to just let time slip away.

It’s now 6:34 PM. We all just watched the big short about the 2008 financial

collapse and what led up to it. I’ve seen it three 
other times. It’s a great movie. It explains the pervasive fraud financial system that that up to the worst economic crisis in my lifetime.great it really just illustrates. Wall Street will do anything to make a puck 

and get away with it. 

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