Friday, June 28, 2024

Thursday, June 27: CNN TRAVESTY!!, Yoga Debate and CODA

I didn’t sleep well last night let’s just put it out there. I had troubles

 settling down once I settle down a picture crashed off the wall and woke me up then I found myself too hot. Had to wait for the AC to kick in 

like chicken. Then I finally got To sleep. I’ve been woke up and got my yoga stuff ready and headed over to Mike’s once
at Mike’s I unpacked the stuff I brought and settled in. And Instacart order came in today and I sat outside waiting because my AC was really kicking and I just feel like I needed to go outside. Once I put the stuff away in 

the order, I decided I’d have lunch before his therapist came in around 12:30 PM. That’s what I did in the Therapist came with somebody shadowing him because he’s trying to get back into the practice so Mike got a lot of attention 

then it was 1248 and I realized I had my Therapist appointment which is usual on Wednesdays. Almost forgot it again. Well, we talked about anger, family, and 

what to do with anger. Anyhow, it’s now 2 o’clock and we’re going to 

go back to Mike’s maybe take a nap go forward. Anyhow, I finished that and 

looked at my bank account and I got paid early for my pension. What a relief

. So of course I went right ahead and paid the bills. I also finally made the reservation

 for my Buffalo trip from June 16 to June 19. I have to take the entire

 Friday off because the flights didn’t match right. Also did massive Amazon 

shopping because I was running low. Anyhow, told Mike I’d take off the 16th 

and I have to sell Citadel as well now I’m heading to 4 o’clock yoga class and I’ll 

make it barely on time but I think I’ll make it on time. I went to class 

and we got taught by a new teacher just got his certification and that was a good class. And

 then got to take a nap at Mary’s, which is very nice and I went

 to the CODA meeting. I was somewhat distracted by the fact of debate was going on. 

Well, I have my opinion and debate is a fucking mess. CNN whatbe mybe my

 the fuck That was the worst. I’m a bit. I’m very agitated right now. CNN is just the worst. They just let Trump go on and on and lie and lie and Joe had low energy. It’s 

Well, now we’re really gonna hear the bullshit for the next.
month. What a goddamn travesty that whole thing was anyway time to go to bed. I hope I can sleep. I got an early morning doctors appointment with Mike urology

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