Sunday, June 30, 2024

Saturday, June 29: Errands, Plastic Club and Yoga

Today I slept which really good. Had breakfast at the Dorchester, 

which was fun. Mary and I decided we would take care of some errands and get one of my photographs framed for an entry for an exhibit at the Plastic club. 

The opening is next Sunday from 2 PM to 5 PM.we went dropped off the photograph and picked up a bunch of of previously ordered photos. That ran up to a pretty good bill. Anyhow, went back to her 

place rested a bit, and then we went back out to pick up the photo that’s 

going to the Plastic club and walk down to the Plastic club. Mary’s going to apply 

to be a member there. They’re very nice there. In fact I met when Amy’s

 friend who volunteers down there. Anyhow, we got back and picked up our yoga 

gear and went to our 4 o’clock class. Miah was teaching and it was a good class 

is pretty packed. I would say about 18 people.  A weird situation came up and I just wiggled out of that 

one. Afterwards, we went back towards her place and ordered some Indian and watched a movie called the descendants with somebody. It was pretty emotional

 and depressing, but I had some funny bits to break it up a bit. It was well done who was taking place in Hawaii.🌺 It was quite an 

emotional film that’s for sure. Anyway, overall was a productive day. Still have to get my Car Rental straightened out for 15 July. Also have to finalize 

where David’s condo is and some of the parameters are staying there on the 15th.

Well June is ending really soon. In fact, Monday is July 1, 2024. It was a pretty 
eventful month for damn sure. What do I do with the damn money why do bees 

make honey? Where is the Easter bunny? The closest things out 

to Philip inquire did with the New York Times should’ve done call for Trump to dropout of the race for the sake of our country. Then again Trump don’t give a fuck.

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