Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Tuesday, August 22: DAS HABE ICH GEFRAGT.

I woke up this morning not really wanting to wake up because 

I was dog tired. I feel like I’m kind of running on fumes even though I didn’t 

go to bed horribly late but anyhow, I got to Mike’s the usual 8:25 AM style. It was actually 

cold outside. I actually had to put on my California longsleeve shirt because it was, pretty

 cool was below 70°. I did a little sweeping up. Mike and I talked 

for a while. He’s distressed that a friend of his it was sent to the hospital because she is suffering Alzheimer’s, and wasn’t taking care of herself. She’s

this woman for 30 years. So we found out where she was and we took the 40 bus to University of Pennsylvania hospital 34th and Spruce. Spruce Street was closed at 34th because the Penn students are moving in. We did 

eventually meet one of her nieces and the social worker. Denise was very nice. I chatted with her while Mike was talking to his friend. We then got back and 

his physical therapist came over and put him through some paces. 

Meanwhile I talked on the phone with a couple people . I finished up 

yesterday’s blog posting and got a lot of text messages. Pat and 

I are going to go to Massachusetts to pick up a motorcycle 

Saturday. That would be fun. It’s now 2:19 PM and I’m gonna go to 

the 4 o’clock yoga class today. it’s now 3:40 PM. I’m gonna do yoga, but I may just

 just go straight home and rest. That’s how I’m feeling right now because

 I’m a little tired. Anyhow, it’s a beautiful day it’s not hot it’s not humid it’s about a 

perfect day as you can get. I went to class and it was pretty good

 class, but it was difficult at times because how tired I was. I did go to the ACA meeting and I just listened part of me. Just wanted to go home right then and there. After Work, I said goodbye 

and then SEPTA acted up and took me an hour to get home because the train stopped and we had a board another train and it’s just after waiting 20 minutes 
at 30th St. after I got on the trolley and 18th St. I didn’t talk to the phone good night.

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