Friday, August 11, 2023

Thursday, August 10: Late w/Rain Changes

After being awake  way past my bedtime, I hit the snooze button a bunch of times, and the next thing you know it it was 8 o’clock by the time 
I walked 

out of the house. Anyway, I got the Mike’s and Mike Haddad pick up for a doctors appointment at 8th & Walnut at Penn Medicine. The clouds are starting to gather even at that time. The 

appointment last about an hour and 15 minutes and around 11:15 AM. We decided that we just take Uber back otherwise it would just kill a whole bunch of time. I was pretty tired, 

but I held off taking a nap most of the day , I then send a message to Heather and Jonathan about the size of the photos and I’m hoping

that will give me my $850 that we agreed upon that they would pay me for the photos and my time. I then decided I had a nap to get through the rest of the day . I’m taking two yoga classes and going to a meeting 

in Fairmount. It’s now 3:44 PM. I am heading towards my 4 o’clock class. It rained really hard from about 1 o’clock till now. It’s a tiny bit of a messy drizzle now hoping it’ll stop by the time I get out around  7:15 PM to 8 PM. It was pretty quiet on the phone front today. Anyhow, that room was really steamy. I mean it was hot 

there today. I was caught off guard because it wasn’t that hot outside. I persevered and ended up doing the Vinyasa class afterwards. I drink lots of water, get 

myself back in the human shape. Some parts of Vinyasa routes dream really challenging, but it was a good class anyhow. I had to spend time in studio getting

 on sweaty and then I went outside and the weather improved big time. I think what didn’t help is that I was pretty wiped out
. Wasn’t completely wiped out like I thought I might be but I’m still dragging a little bit. Tomorrow is Friday and that’s a good thing I think.

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