Monday, August 28, 2023

Sunday, August 27: Lemon Hill & Yoga🍋

Well, after quite a sleep, I got up around 10 AM and got ready to 

go to Lemon Hill Mansion find my big batch of organic grapes and brought them as a snack. I took the EL to the 32 bus. 32 bus took me all the way to 30th and Poplar. I then 

walked to the end 30th and Cutthrough train tracks to get the lemon Hill. That was interesting for sure I arrived first and then

 another gentleman came in by 1230. everybody was there. A guy there brought these delicious turkey burgers and they were very good. I had 2 of them and those 2 are very very good. I also

 had some grapes and some crackers. We hung out. We talked a bunch. “The Addiction of Wanting to be Used”this is from the German version of a book called“Codependent no more” I thought that was 

really very insightful to hear. I just had to write it down. After while I got did get a ride home which was really cool so now I have to get ready to go to the 4 o’clock class. My friend just 

called and said he ate a turkey burger too soon and thought of head to knee pose while bloated on a   burger so he won’t be able to make it. When I went to the

 class that started at four and I did struggle out extra stiff for whatever reason and I made it through and then I after drinking a lot of liquids I laughed in, 

went to a friends house, and we watched invasion of the body snatchers the 1956 film. This aliens put up podge, and then, when people fell asleep, 

the pods would become the human being. It was pretty suspenseful for sure. After that I took Uber home 

and had some dinner and went to bed. It was overall good day. I was just feeling
 tired subtle tired, but tired done in the last. Couldn’t ask for a nicer day

 out. Well August is almost done and next thing you know it will be running

 into Labor Day and September believe it or not. In the meantime, you can look

 at my photos.

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