Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Tuesday, August 15: Liberty and Justice Frogs🐸

Well, today was Tuesday. It was a very interesting day in the life of this Blogger. I woke up a little more cranky this morning and headed 

to work and showed up at my usual 25 minutes late. A first thing I got was a request from Heather‘s mom to do some work for her so I had to wait on that because I didn’t know what I 

was doing. I just didn’t feel like doing much of anything and I didn’t. I think both of us were in that
 special kind of mood. Anyhow, it was really 

extremely humid even by Philadelphia standards. It was oppressive I came to Mike and I was just purely sweating. It was pretty gross. So I stayed in the lovely central air 

conditioning which was very helpful for a mind that is it as impervious to things as my mind is.  Someday this blog might actually have 10 followers. Several people came over to Mike’s

 today and I went ahead and picked up at Scripps. I was able to walk

 downtown for a little while and talk on the phone at the same time believe it or not.

 After I came back, the people came over and I didn’t want 

to, my therapy appointment, which was at four that was very intense and then 

after that I was told he won’t be back till early September. 

Anyway, I did go to yoga class and it was hot even in the top floor where the fans are. Anyhow, I went to an ACA meeting I was a little bit 
late because of the thing but it was good guy. 
Seems like the groups expanded lots since I last went in 2018. I then hung out a little bit and got home by 9:30 PM for a phone call I then chow down from leftovers and banged my head on the pillow to rest.

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