Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Monday, August 7: Slow Day w/Work Yoga Meeting & Sandwich

Well, it was a Monday morning struggle to get up on time, but I did manage to get up on time. I had breakfast packed up my bag fold my laundry from 2days ago and then headed off to Mike’s. The train ride with smooth beside. The operator of the train, mumbling something about the doors opening and closing, which was kind of absurd. I’ve

 been made it to Mike’s. It rained really hard last night. I heard it and it’s been overcast, but not too hot today. It’s 12:07 PM and the clouds haven’t burned

 off yet once they do, it’s gonna probably be hot and humid. I rearranged his

 room a little bit took down the garbage. The next thing we did was

 take a little walk, and we went back to the rehab place to take one last stab at finding his wallet. Because my tile thing that helps you find 

lost things as the last location of the wallet being here at the rehab place so I’m gonna check that. Well no luck w the wallet! The manager & social worker seemed harried and wondered why I showed a month later. The lower-level staff was more patient w me.
 Here’s a good one from Dr. Seuss: 

Say what you mean and mean what you say,
Because those who care don’t matter,
And those who matter don’t care. ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ‘☺️ 
For the rest of the day, I talk to the phone and did a little tiny stuff 

around the house but no errands today not even to the pharmacy. So it’s a pretty slow day and I was really glad of it. anyhow, I decided that I would go 

to yoga today as usual. I went to class and the room was pretty steamy 

when we got into that studio that’s for sure. I met the guy who has 

the exact same colored mat as I do. After class, I decided that I wouldn’t go to the Pilates. I had enough exertion for the day. It was like I was in the sandwich

 of life enjoying the salmon of living. I had some time off and it felt very bountiful. Well, the bounty ended as I was going to the MONDAY Night Beginners meeting, 

when this torrential downpour came. There have been a tornado watch from 7 PM to 11 PM today. We didn’t get the tornado but we did get a quick 

torrential downpour which then settled to just a steady rain. The meeting was pretty cool. It was talking about anger and frustration,

 etc. It was a nice crowd. I wasn’t feeling that social so I ran off and caught the 21 bus in the rain. I also found speed racer on the 

Internet. They even had the adventure of the mammoth car. It originated in 1967 believe it 
or not I don’t know 
why if I watched it when it first came out but I’m not sure because they probably ran on Saturday morning soon I used to watch it I don’t know but it was fun to watch 

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