Monday, August 28, 2023

Monday, August 28: Search for 2 Years 🔍

I woke up this morning slightly nauseous like I eaten too much 

yogurt or too much of something. I had breakfast and when I got to Mike’s I found
myself hungry at 10 o’clock 
which was weird but I had to chuckle. I ended up having oatmeal 

cookies and getting Mike some chocolate chip cookies, I really did do that. Anyhow, 

Mike’s bathing lady showed up and other than that I didn’t do much of 

anything this morning. I did text a couple of people. There were some funny tick-tock‘s about Trump being given a convict number, which was easy fighter for both pro Trump and anti-Trump

 folks. I didn’t decided I would try to get my photographs 
submitted even though I’m running late.  So anyway that’s what’s going

 on. It’s pretty humid I’m getting sweaty. It’s on 1:41 PM. I’m going 

to public art materials to get some stuff to get my photos ready. I got them framed

 by the people there was a cheap but what are you gonna do they did give

 me 25% off that even asking anyway I will walk back to Mike’s. It’s now 2 o’clock and

 I’m almost there. They did fix up the sidewalk right next to Mike’s place

 finally. There’s been a lot of car before hand. Trump, & his co-defendants are to be arraigned in Georgia on Sept. 6. The trial 

date for the DC case is now March 4, 2024. The next year is going 

to be very very interesting. This dude on TikTok really lays it out about how the Republican

 to your theories are falling flat one conspiracy he heard up with that the Maui fires are caused by 

their Marines having a fire fight with FEMA. I just rolled out laughing when I 
heard that one and then he mocks them for being anti-VAX and anti-mask gives them a treatment. I love it. It’s now 3:51 PM getting ready for yoga. Feeling a little cramp in my stomach 

that last little shot of juice. Cramped me up a little bit. Oh well here we go. I went to class and I was actually stronger than I thought I’d be. The class went pretty well I must say. 

Afterwords hung out with a friend and then went to the MONDAY Night Beginners meeting. I came back to my friends place and watch Invasion 
of the Body Snatchers, 1978 version. It was cold and contrast the 1956 version with this one.
It took me an hour to get home. took me an hour to get home from Center City

. It didn’t help that the trolley stopped running. They stopped running because they didn’t have enough employees.   I also just missed the 21 bus. I had to walk all the way to 15th St

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