Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Monday August 14 Operation Cement Mixer

I woke up today very tired, but managed to make it work terribly late. I 

at least had a pretty good sleep. I got to Mike’s and signed in and of course. We 

both talked about her weekends and then I did a little bit of light cleaning and ended 

up going to the bank and Mike said he wasn’t feeling all that great and we skipped his walk. And then took a nap. Very refreshing. I really like that bad. Mike’s food delivery came is there for

 the lot ordered. Fortunately he’s only on the second floor so it wasn’t too bad to bring it up. I talked on the phone with several people and then I had lunch. It was the

 usual packet of Indian food that I like to have. I lost my water bottle so I’ve got to be on the lookout for a new one. The bathing lady came over as well. She was only in for a short a little while. Next thing you know 

it is time to sign out and go to my class. So I walked on down and when I got there, I was saying, I lost my water bottle and jam. I was offered one from the lost and found, which is very cool. The
class is good. Byron, who had

 offered me the lost and found with the teacher and he’s very encouraging. He said my balance had improved, which meant a lot to me. That’s been me onward struggle. 
I then finish class and decided I would use a Pilates. Jessica was the substitute teacher and she did some moves where you had to 

hold your legs up sideways plank. The most it was the incision is sitting down positions. I also just pick the 
spot by the window, which was of course

 very helpful. Anyhow, even though there’s also some chaos going on around 
me, I felt inwardly pretty calm. I think
 the yoga classes helped and also getting a decent night of sleep is always a plus. Afterwards I went to my MONDAY Night Beginners meeting. I was late and which was OK but I really don’t want to be late anymore if I can help it. anyhow, then came home and pondered and eight 

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